Early Spring

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The stranger's hand felt warm and soft as they pulled him out of his home in the middle of the cool air, his damp cheeks felt numb from moving even an inch. Jamison's own palm was cold and clammy against theirs.
"I thought ya were 'helpin' me?" Jamison asked them. "But I don' need none."
"You apparently do. And I want to, Junkrat." They smiled, replying.
The February rain pittered onto the blonde's amber coat - the familiar sound that couldn't be mistaken - and the same went for the stranger's voice. Unforgettable, kind, and sweet. Unlike anything he'd ever heard, each word more heavenly than the last.
"Wha... what's ya name, mate?"
"I'm [Y/N]. And you, Junkrat?"
"U-Uh, Jamison. But ya can call me Jamie." [Y/N]... what a lovely name. It suited them. Fitted them to a T. Being too embarrassed to say anything, he fiddled with his fingers as they strolled through the outskirts of Junkertown.
I've not been here in over a year. Jamie thought of the time went by in the past. He had not left the house since that day. The day that changed everything from bad to worse.
"So, you've not been out of the house at all?" [Y/N] asked, seemingly reading his thoughts as thunder boomed in the distance.
"Basically. Only once." The blonde replied simply.
"What did you do while you were out?"
"I..." Jamie began to freeze up, but the comforting hand of [Y/N] reassured him slightly. "A year ago, me friend - or should I say me best friend - Mako, died while protectin' this old piece of junk from the second omnic invasion, blowing stuff to bits. An'- an' I was there to watch him go. I felt 'orrible. He was me only friend. And I couldn' save 'im at all." Tears began to roll down his cheeks with the pouring rain and the flash of lightning. "I thought, It's not worth me here. And it was true, I wasn' worth it. But he kept me alive. He kept me here, and he still is, in me heart."
"Don't go all soppy on m-"
And suddenly, [Y/N] wrapped their arms around him, with him nestled into their neck, sobbing.
"It's okay to cry, Jamison." [Y/N] said softly, rubbing his back. "Lots of people know how you feel."

Their voice lit up Jamison's whole world like the big bang - a whole universe formed just then, in that moment under the mint 3 a.m sky, where the stars finally smiled back through the dissolving clouds.
Jamie had killed his old self. But the new him was only just beginning.

Shattered Inferno (Junkrat x reader angst)(C)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें