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~August 8th (The day after the date)~


"Y/N!" Dai says in a sing-song voice as she runs into my room and runs over to the other side of my bed and pats the covers only to find Aiko who growls at the rude way she had just been awoken. Dai ignores Aiko's growling and looks a little disappointed at finding no one in my bed other than my dog. "How was your date?"

I throw the covers over my head and Akio sits on top on my chest and stares at me to let me know that she was upset with being woken up in such a despicable way. "Dai, what time is it?" Dai crawls over me to look at my clock and laughs. Aiko jumps up and runs out of the room just as Fruit Loop comes in to join the fun.

"It's...um...a little early, but you have work today, right?" I sit up and look at my clock which read '7:32 A.M'. I groan and lay back in bed.

"It's Sunday! I don't work Sunday!" I groan again and hide my face under the covers again as a sign for Dai to leave. She doesn't take the hint and Fruit Loop doesn't either. Fruit Loop the pink dog crawls under my covers and lays down behind my back and licks my neck. I squeal and sit up again and Dai giggles.

"Well, I'll go finish watching Tv and go to bed. I stayed up all night trying to finish all the Twilight movies and only just got to the last one!" Dai runs out of my room with Fruit Loop on her heel and I roll over and bury my face in my pillow.


"Thank you for taking me to dinner," I say shyly and look at my shoes then look back up and meet Viktor's gaze. His blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. "I had a lot of fun."

"Not many girls I know would eat two bites of a Radish salad for me," Viktor says jokingly and we laugh.

He's never going to let me live that down!

"I would ask you in, but Dai is going to keep you here all night and I know you and Yuuri have practice tomorrow." Viktor nods and there is a minute or two of comfortable silence.

"I will call you tomorrow," Viktor promises and turns to leave. He turns back around and kisses me goodnight...on the cheek. I blush and he smiles and walks back to the Uber and waves before it drives away leaving me stunned on my doorstep.

~Back to the present~

Aiko pokes her head out of my closet to see if Dai and Fruit Loop where still in my room and when she is satisfied with the results she runs and jumps up on my bed and curls up against my legs.

"Aiko," I whisper and she opens one eye to look at me. "Last night was perfect." Aiko closes her eye and before long is snoring softly.


"Y/N!" Dai yells as she runs into my room and dives on top of me with my phone in her hand. "You left your phone in your purse last night and I was just finishing Twilight up, TEAM JACOB ALL THE WAY! And your purse started vibrating and I opened it. Of course, I was a little scared cause I have no clue what the heck Vikor is into, but it was only your phone and Viktor ahd been trying to call you!" I sit up and rub my eyes not fully understanding what Dai was saying.

"And so I picked up the phone for you since you were still sleeping and talked to Viktor and he said that your date last night was perfect and he would like to go out with you again and he was looking forward to sitting with you for the ice skating competition and that if things go well between you and him that he will take you with him wherever the World Grand Prix is going to be going!

"I said that would be alright as long as you take me with you. It'll be a good time to get close to Yuuri again! Maybe he and I will even you know date again!

"Anyway, he said he was in love with you and I yelled I have to tell Y/N and hung up. He said to call him back whenever you can." Dai takes a deep breath and continues. "So, I told you!!" I blink and think over everything Dai just said.

"What?" I say after a long moment. Dai sighs.

"I said: You left your phone in your purse last night and I was just finishing Twilight up, TEAM JACOB-"

"No, did Viktor actually say all that to you over the phone?" I question. It doesn't really sound like him to tell Dai all that after a first date.

"Well...he did say that the date last night was perfect..." I sigh and roll over so I didn't have to look at her. "He did say that he was interested in going out with you again, but I just know he wants to take you with him and he is in love with you!" Dai says quickly and I laugh.

Of course, she stretched the truth! I should find new friends...But then who would take care of Dai?

"You can call him back later and confirm that he wants you to be his...how would he put it? His 'lover'." I laugh and nod. Dai hops off my bed and walks to the door. "Oh, and did I mention that Yuuri told Viktor that he likes me?" I turn my head to look at her. "Well, Viktor said that Yuuri told him that he knew who I was and that we were friends, but I know what he meant." Dai walks out of my room, forgetting to shut my door again. I laugh at my curious friend and slowly fall back to sleep.


~Word Count: 1,020~

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