In the Beginning

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I looked up at the huge mass of a house in front of me intimidated by the overall size. A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I turned to see the Massive hand of my Uncle laying on my shoulder. I jerked away in disgust. My Purvey Uncle stared down the opening of my blouse, giving me a wicked grin. I still couldn't believe the social workers put me in his care after all he did to break apart my family. Suddenly my body went rigid and I couldn't breath, something hit me.... I was walking home from school like any other day, unconcerned with the world around me. I crossed the street to the small Victorian house that my family resided in. Shouts sounded from inside the house I ran the short distance between me and the house. I ripped open the front door and found my drunk ass Uncle standing over the barely recognizable body of my mother. She lay in a pool of her own blood, a steady stream of blood flowing from her open mouth. I screamed "What have you done." I looked at my mother again, a gaping hole took up the interior of her chest, where several lacerations had been cut. Then back to my uncle, slumped over laughing, an axe, he held in his right hand, a dagger, in his left hand. I ran towards him, Frustration/ Anger/ Fury coursing through my body " You Asshole, how sick are you?!?" He brought his left hand to my face and slide the dagger across my cheek, which now an angry scar was left to show. I screamed again running for the open door and phone but he grabbed the hair at the back of my head pulling me back into the world he had now created. Three things happened that day, 1.) Another man was convicted for killing my mother, 2.) I had to promise to my Uncle never to tell a soul about that day or else! (I didn't want to find out what that meant), 3.) I was given to my uncle by the state, him being my only living family left.

The flash back subsided and I was again staring into the horrid face of my Uncle, I had to only refer to him as Uncle. I looked away, not able to look at the man that killed my mom. I took a second to catch my breath before, we walked up the creaky steps to the plantation house we had recently bought, banging our suitcases along behind us. The House was a five bedroom, three bath, and two living rooms/ sitting room, with a kitchen, dining room and a laundry room. We were living in New Orleans, in the heart of the bayou, away from most of the New Orleans attractions (thankfully). I opened the visitors door to the house and peeked my head inside. I walked into the open space of the house and stood in the entry way looking around in admiration. Me and Uncle parted our separate ways, which I was deeply thankful for because I couldn't stand to be around him for longer than I had to. I walked up the winding staircase, to the upper floor, hunting for my new room. I walked to the end of the corridor, to the last lonely room on the right. I walked into the space that would now be my bedroom.

I walked the interior of the room searching for any clues of past life. Nothing. The room was bare and cleaned except for a window.

I walked over to the window and saw the moving van pulling into the vacant drive way. I ran down the stairs and opened the front door. I started to walk out the door when I ran into one of the Movers, holding a clipboard. "Is this the Montague residence?" he was asking as I collided with him. He grabbed onto my shoulders to steady both of us, just as my Uncle came around the corner, and I am guessing it looked pretty strange because..

"What are you to doing?, Addison when I said make friends I didn't mean the movers." he said coldly and gave me a look of disgust. " Go get your shit Addison, I will deal with you later." he said eyeing the mover with the same look of hatred and disgust. The mover collected himself and regained his stern posture, I rolled my eyes, this guy couldn't be much older then me.

"I'm sorry sir for the incontinence your daughter here ran in to me, and that was all I could do to keep us from tumbling down these here stairs." I rolled my eyes, I listened to their small conversation as I pretended to get my stuff.

"One she is not my daughter she is my niece and second I am well aware of that young man, It is just that my niece doesn't need to be so clumsy and incompetent, you see she special and needs to be punished for her actions." I rolled my eyes again, how could he, now they would think I was some druggie from some rehabilitation center, come to find my inter peace and tranquility or something like that.

" I understand sir, we are just here to move your things, we are not here to corrupt your niece, now if you could please sign this paper, we can do our job, and be on our way." The mover who's name tag I now knew read Cody said and my Uncle nodded taking the clipboard and chicken scratching his messy signature on it before shoving it back into Cody's scrawny hands. After he had done that he had turned back on his heels and went back into the house calling over his shoulder...

"Addison will show you where to put this shit, when your done leave and take your scrawny ass with you, I already paid for your services." which received another eye roll from me. "And Addison you roll you fucking eyes at me one more time, you won't have any eyes after I am finished with you." he said giving me a sinister grin. I nodded briskly, afraid to do anything else and moving slowly closer to the van wanting to waste as much time as possible. The more time they were here the less time my Uncle could decide to do something bad.

The movers took the heavier things and moved them to there designated spot in the house, where I pointed it out to them, while I carried the lighter things and the box's. Soon after the first truck was unloaded, the second truck came and we repeated the whole process again for what seemed to be the thousandth time. My body ached from going back in forth from the house and the truck. Once we had finished and the movers had finally gone, I went to setting the house a new. I started with my bed room far away from my Uncle as I could get, not wanting any unnecessary conflict.

My bed had been set out already so I looked for the box contain my sheet and bedding, and went to setting together my bed. Before I began though I found my iPod and blared music into my head, not wanting any distractions, going to work.


I worked for hours on end, cleaning and fixing up our new house, thank you social services (the state paid for our house, we got to choose where to live, but the state paid for it on the matter of me being considered a minor, I was only seventeen). When I got done, I took up the excess stuff to the attic. When I was up there I felt a strange sense of uneasiness and the feeling of being watched, I looked around the room and found nothing, but my Uncle standing in the door way and almost had a heart-attack, but the feeling I had before never lifted. "You scared the shit out of me." I said grabbing my chest. He gave me a cruel smile, and walked slowly towards me bringing his suitcase and the other things he was carrying in to he attic with him. He set them down on the closes empty space and turned towards me, the smirk never leaving his face. I looked at my feet nervously and shifted my weight from one side to another, hands on my hips. I couldn't show him I was afraid of him, it would only mean defeat, so instead I stood my ground.

He came at me, and stood behind me, setting his head on my shoulder, pressing all his weight onto me. He wrapped his long arms around my mid-section. He turned his head towards my hair, and breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, letting his hot breath rest on my neck. " Addison I don't know what I would do with out you here keeping me sane." I smelt the alcohol before I tasted it, well this was just great. I nodded, not really wanting to deal with today. I brushed him of my shoulder, and he stumbled grabbing on to me for support, he grabbed to hard and we went tumbling onto the floor. We fell in a mess of limbs, me half on him, him half on me, crushing me. I could feel his erection under me, and he leaned into me and I pulled back from him. His face loomed inches from mine, and I gasped in surprise. I stood up and brushed my self off before running downstairs into my room. I heard my Uncle's drunken laughter erupting from the attic above me. "Addison your such a child, your going to have to learn some day." he called sown to me. I dry heaved into nothing disgusted even by the thought. He laughed himself to what must have been a drunken slumber. When I had finally cleared my mind, I locked the door to my room and moved towards my bed and collapsed onto it. I was exhausted today had been a long and complicated day. I loomed in and out of consciousness. My head fell to the side and I passed out fully dressed, beat from the long days work.

Author's Note: Hey Guys this is my New story and I hope you like it. It took me a long time to come up with the beginning and I still might change it but the chapters will be longer then this one I just didn't want to give away to much information to begin with that's why it's so short. I came up with out of the blue actually, I don't know how it came to me, I guess it was just the growing influence in horror movies in todays population. But this book should be really good I already gave my friend an outline of it and she said to tell you it sounds great. I hope you enjoy this chapters and chapters to come I promise to keep updating all my books more so this one and house of cards love you guys :) follow/vote/comment I do the same for you when I can.

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