Chapter 1

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Keys you'll need to know

(y/n)- your name
(e/c)-eye color
(h/c)-hair color
(f/c)-favorite color
(f/f)-favorite food
(c/s)- cup size
(k/n/n)-kofuku nickname

If I add anything else i'll put it there¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 1

All I feel is nothing. I can't move or talk...just think

I can barely hear, just a mumble. I think what I hear is a voice "HEY" I want to yell out but...I cant.
Then all of a sudden I can hear.....

Yato's pov



Why is he so dull all of a sudden? Doesn't he know he could die? If he keeps this up i might need to get another regalia... just as i think that thought i see a (f/c) ball {similar to yukine}
Hmmm its a female, It's close to yukine's age maybe he won't be a brat since he has a friend. But still that a difficult age. But I don't care yukine is slipping. I start my chant

"You, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return, I grant you a place to belong.
My name is Yato, bearing a posthumus name, you shall remain here. With this name I grant thee my servant. With this name and its alternate, i use my life to make thee a regalia! Thou art (y/n) as a regalia Riksu. Come...Sekki!"

Her past isn't as bad as yukine's but... I feel bad. She was a (vote in comments for sword or gun)

Your pov

The next thing I knew I was in a white void? I think my name was (y/n)? I remember slaying something.. But what is it?
"Revert yukine, (y/n)ne {only if it works}
I saw a man with sapphire eyes he smelt really nice too...Next to him was a boy about my age he had blonde hair and a hoodie. He didnt seem happy. All of a sudden it got really cold. I didnt mean to shiver but i think i did because the man with the sapphire eyes handed me his jacket.

"I am yato, you are my regalia, yukine introduce yourself"

"Hmmp Yato stop trying to act cool you know you're a good for nothing god." The boy I presumed was yukine said.

I could tell this "yato" was offended he kept making a silly face I couldn't help but giggle.

I could tell they heard me cause yukine looked away. I liked their relationship it was sweet but why was I here?

"Because you are my regalia and yes I can read your thoughts"

"H-How?!" I asked I sooo confused. After he explained why I was here I felt more welcome...well by Yato anyway. Yukine barely even looked at me like he didn't want me to be here I could expect that I wouldn't want anyone to take my glory.

"Well off to home we go!" Yato said happily

I followed them and we ended up at a shrine and a little shop, it was pretty cute too.

"YATIIII" " YUKIIII" A very High voice said next thing I know a little pink haired women came and hugged yato and yukine. I think she noticed me
"Yati who is this?" She asked

"That's my new regalia (y/n)ne" yato sounded all high and mighty it was funny. She came over and tackled me she kept grabbing my boobs!
"Wow your a (c/s) aren't cha?"
"Y-Yato??!" I cried for help

"Ok kofuku she needs air"
Kofuku? So that's her name wait...LIKE THE GOD OF FORTUNE!

"Nah she's a god of poverty she just lies" Yato explains
I forgot he could read my mind.

"So yato you don't have a shrine?"

"No he's too poor" yukine said.
Yato looked hurt again but it was funny!
"(k/n/n) do you wanna borrow some of my clothes?" Kofuku asked

"S-sure" she brought me too I'm guessing her room and pulled out an outfit
I tried on the clothes and it actually fit! (if the link doesnt work copy and paste it)

"Wow (k/n/n) you look so kawaii!"

"T-thanks kofuku"
We headed down stairs and there was a large man there I got scared

"It's fine it's just kofuku's regalia Daikoku"

"Dinner is ready" the large man announced. Hehe I like that name large man..

Oooo~~~ I didn't even know how hungry I was until I saw all that food "yummy~~" I whispered. And with that we dug in.

~~timeskip brought to you by my hate for hiyori~~

I got tired and was ready to go to bed.
"Come with me" Yato said. Obviously I followed.
" you can sleep here" he brought me to a room with a mattress on the floor

"This is it?"
" H-Hey be glad you're not sleeping on steps"
"You've slept on steps before I thought gods had money?"
" I've been saving up!!" He pulled out this bottle and went on about how he was gonna be the "best god"

"Well goodnight Yato"

"Night (y/n)ne"


Well that's that.. I tried my best next part if anybody likes this you will see yukine's view of you and maybe some fluff with you and yato I tried to make her as not Mary sueish as possible but what can you do this is a fan fiction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. So I hope you guys enjoy!

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