Normal V.S Indigo

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So you may be wondering if you can ever reach the spiritual/psychological awareness and intelligence of an indigo child. The answer is to that is yes... almost.

Although only few are born with this naturally advanced psychological mind, all people slowly gain awareness as they get older. However, no human who doesn't practice meditation on an everyday basis will ever fully open their third eye. They'll never reach that full potential. Even a human who does meditate on a daily basis will not fully open their third eye most times.

The key is simple! Meditate, meditate, meditate, people! Focus and practice and you may achieve your goal to become as spiritually aware as you can be.

Meditation may not be easy for you on your first try or second or maybe your third. Don't fret, you just need to keep practicing and working at focusing your mind! Start simple with learning how to clear your mind of nonsense thoughts. This will take time. There is no instant gratification involved here, but the reward in the end will be much greater than anything you could possibly get through instant gratification because there is no instant gratification.

Don't give up, keep trying! Soon you'll be able to focus your mind within a minute or two of simple breathing techniques and specific practices. Gentle calming music (with no words!) May help you, but doesn't always help everyone because everyone is different.

If you would like further steps on how to improve your meditation skills, you can find me at any of the following places:

Instagram: its_magsie_

Snapchat: its_magsie

Kik: PapercutSurvivingPro


Skype: maggiesinger

Or message me right here on Wattpad!

I hope this has helped you so far, and let me know in the comments if you have a question you'd like me to answer and I'll answer it in the Q&A! I will tag you when I enter your question unless you prefer to stay anonymous. If so, let me know! Goodbye!

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