How to Tell if You're an Indigo Child

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Another question I often get is, "If I were to be an indigo child, how can I tell?". Here are some ways you can determine whether you're an indigo child or not.

1. You feel entitled
You have always felt that you are special or very different from everyone around you

2. You have high expectations of yourself and others
You always set high standards and expect others to meet them perfectly. Towards yourself, you tend to be very self critical.

3. You are perceptive
You often think you are right, and most times you are. Therefore, you tend to get upset or angered when others cannot see or understand the things that you believe to be insanely simple

4. You are talented and creative
You are both musically and artistically gifted and use your talents to help others see the world through your perspective

5. You are a lost soul
You feel out of place in the world and have noticed from a young age that you are different from most people.

6. You are driven
Determined to find your purpose in the world, you stop at nothing. And if you can't find a purpose to live for, you often become seriously depressed or stressed

7. You're highly psychic
Without any need for improvement, your psychic abilities are already finely tuned and can range anywhere from telling lies and seeing auras to astral projection and seeing the future.

8. You are frustrated
You often get frustrated with society and how everyone around you views the world because you feel that they are "stupid" or "simple" for not being able to see things the way you do.

9. You're a change maker
Seeing the failings of society makes you feel the urge to correct EVERYTHING. Often making you a great leader in the skills of business, society, and often just the simple ways of life that you think everyone is doing wrong.

10. You want to over turn man
The complicated, rigid systems of the government seem foolish and like a waste of time to you. And you often become antagonistic to what others believe is normal.

11. You're a leader
You would change many many things if you had the chance, including the government. You're great at pointing out seemingly simple flaws that others are blind to and often lead yourself and others to great success.

Now of course, you must know that these are not the sole determining factors. Many people can have these personality traits, but many indigos have all of these or most of these traits to an extreme level.

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