My Life as an Indigo Child

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As a young girl, I realised that I was much different from everyone around me. I always felt smarter than most in all areas (except for math) and my view of common sense was always more advanced and much different than others.

I never tended to fit in well with the kids my age because the things they did seemed dumb to me. I spent my time isolated while I wrote stories, or drew pictures in my artbook.

Science was always easy for me as well as English, History, and Spanish and excelled in most of my courses. I have always been very artistically and musically talented.

The place where I noticed the most difference between me and other people was when it came to common sense and the way things in the world are done.

In my architectural design class, I could design and create a perfect digital replica of a house without any problems or questions while others who had more experience than me struggled and constantly needed help. That was just because I felt like how a house should be built was just common sense, something everyone should already know, whether they had experience with it or not, therefore, I found it very easy to do.

In art, I drew things the way I saw them. They turned out near perfect. Others would try to draw things the way they saw them and their drawings still didn't turn out very similar to what they were drawing.

I had natural talent in pretty much everything. No one hung out with me because when I spoke my thoughts, no one could wrap their heads around my thoughts, and they'd lose attention quickly because what I said wasn't interesting to them while it was to me.

More recently when it comes to relationships, I hear stories of ppl getting stuck in bad relationships, people obsessing over the tiniest problems, things that don't even deserve to be called problems, small fights, rushing into relationships too quickly and getting their hearts broken, etc.

To me, there's an easy fix to all of that that people just don't understand. People want to rush into relationships then are all confused and upset when they get her heart broken. But they don't understand why. They don't understand that they need to get to know their significant other and become familiar with the personality of that person before even thinking about a relationship.

If you're in a bad or abusive relationship, get out. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is abusive, do not stay with them. They are NOT the ones for you!

As for small problems like a cracked phone screen, fights over who did what chore the last time, friend or significant other not responding immediately to one text, etc. Ppl are focused on all those problems and more that shouldn't even matter.

So what if those things happened? It's not the end of the world, get over it, there are much more important things to be focusing on!

Also indigo children like me often see spiritual connections differently than normal people. Every persons mind is connected to each other. Their inner knowing that most people have not accessed.

Now when I say our minds are connected to one another, I don't mean you can read everyone's thoughts. What I mean, is this. Think about when you're in class and as soon as you walk in, you ever noticed that you start feeling a certain way, like really happy or curious or pissed about something, and then as you ask around, or listen to what others are saying, you realize most of the people in that room feel the same way? That's what I mean.

You're not physically connected at the heads or anything. It's just hat subtle change in atmosphere, in spiritual energy that changes in everyone depending on the surroundings. That's the best way I can describe it.

Also as a child, I would hear voices in my head, see things that weren't really there, see colors floating around people from time to time, and I didn't know what any of it meant. As I did some investigation and practice and thinking, I realised just how strong my psychic abilities could be. How different they are compared to the normal human.

I would often ask questions in my head and hear a response in my head from a voice that wasn't mine. I would see ghosts and spirits every now and then just wandering around. I'd recognize the colors as auras around people, but I still didn't know what they meant.

I started meditating to increase and control my abilities. As I got better, I could read people's auras, tell when people are being truthful or not, sometimes even predict what they were thinking.

I tested that by playing the "what number between 1-10 are you thinking of?" Game with other kids and I always guessed correctly if I focused.

I noticed that even now after all these years, I still don't fit in. I still don't have a solid group of friends to be hang out with. I'm always the odd one out and for some reason, people just don't tend to gravitate towards me.

That used to make me feel really depressed. I believed I didn't have a purpose of being on this planet. Like I didn't belong here, but I belonged somewhere else. A place with people who were just like me.

I had eventually found a purpose. To help others and help them see the world how I do. Pull people from their depression, decrease their anxiety, increase their memory abilities, etc.

As for fitting in, I gave up on caring. I know I'm an indigo child and I know I'm different. I always will be. It's just how life goes. But I don't have to fit in to be happy. I can be my own person living my own life for my own reasons.

That's easier for me because I don't have to drag anyone along and lead hem through things step by step. I can go at my own pace and not have to conform to other's rules, beliefs, ideas, or ways of doing things. I can be myself. I can be happy.

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