The Gift Of Education

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Thank you for taking our time out of you day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I really appreciate you time!

"Hey Kevin, we made it bruh. We're finally going to get our associate degree." I told my best friend Kevin Smith. You ever met someone and you just click from that day one. Well Kevin and I have been best friends since we were young. A lot of people say they have numerous best friends but that's not our case. I've had the same best friend since I was in elementary school. Now I'm in college working on a getting an education, my choice of field is medical. Kevin chooses medicine but we still work hand to hand. Tonight Kevin and I, we're celebrating another milestone that some people don't have the chance to accomplish. Definitely, since we're African American, Kevin and I, walk through the campus with chips on our shoulders.from that day one. Well Kevin and I have been best friends since we were young. A lot of people say they have numerous best friends but that's not our case. I've had the same best friend since I was in elementary school. Now I'm in college working on a getting an education, my choice of field is medical. Kevin chooses medicine but we still work hand to hand. Tonight Kevin and I, we're celebrating another milestone that some people don't have the chance to accomplish. Definitely, since we're African American, Kevin and I, walk through the campus with chips on our shoulders.

Since we have academic scholarship because of our SAT scores raise plenty of eyebrows. And if I had to choose someone to take this journey with I'll pick Kevin every time.academic scholarship because of our SAT scores raise plenty of eyebrows. And if I had to choose someone to take this journey with I'll pick Kevin every time.

"You're damn right, we gonna turn up tonight Mike!" Kevin said as we did our secret handshake. Don't judge our handshake, it's pretty simplistic since we made it at age 7. It's modestly a double palm slap and a fist bump then we make our fingers like a gun and shoot it off.

"I got to meet up with you at your house tonight, I got to have dinner with my mom. And you know my father recently got out of prison, so my mom making me do that too." I replied with

the face of disinterest. Kevin hate when I don't get excited about my father, definitely since he ever met his father. How could he blame me though? My father left my mother to fend for her self while he got himself locked up. I didn't have a father figure, my mother got presents for father's day, mother's day, birthday, Christmas, etc. Picture that; imagine how many times I was buying perfume or some other woman things? That's beside the point, I didn't write him while he was in jail, so now I got to talk to him in person. This is absurd, but I'll do anything for my mother.

"Aye, just give him a chance, see what he got to say or show you. You never know, he probably can kick some knowledge. You can probably learn something." Kevin said to me, trying to spark some excitement in me but it was drench by my watery despair.

"Okay Kev, I'll give him a chance but as soon as he say I'm a Old G; I'm out." I responded. We both laughed, we knew a couple of people who went to jail for a month and got out and claimed they were a gangsters.say I'm a Old G; I'm out." I responded. We both laughed, we knew a couple of people who went to jail for a month and got out and claimed they were a gangsters.

"Bruh, I gotta go, tell me how it goes when you see me tonight." Kevin started the hush-hush handshake again. As Kevin walked off, he used his finger gun to shoot me twice.

"Aye Kev, you better watch that now." I shouted out as he put his hands up, like he was getting arrested. now." I shouted out as he put his hands up, like he was getting arrested.

Thank you for taking our time out of you day to read my story. Please, can you comment and vote if you like this content. I have more parts coming very soon. I really appreciate you time!

Sign: Writer Ink

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