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So you've written a badass story, and you're coming to those last final pages. How do you end it? What's your last line going to be? This is possibly the part of a book a reader will remember most, those closing scenes where everything slowly comes together and ties up (or not in many cases).

Before writing the end, take a moment to reflect on the book you've written and really think about an appropriate way to word the ending. You want something that will make the readers feel almost sad that the book is over, and what I prefer to do is throw in some really memorable lines which hopefully will stick with people.

Don't rush this step, take your time and make sure that everything is the way you want it to be. Arguably, the ending is the hardest part to write. Everything leads up to this one point, and then it's all over.

Writing a book is a long journey, but it's one of the best ones you can take. Soak it in while you can. You will always remember the first book you write.

Thank you for reading.


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