-Chapter 8-

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   The day was long and awkward for us both. After what he said, I didn't talk much. He met my other parents, which was smooth. I was happy about that. They liked him. I went to my old room and looked around. A lot was different. My bed that used to be there, my posters, drawings, the room felt empty. It was a play room for my nephew now. At one point, my parents left and went to the store. They went buy things to make dinner and invited us to stay and eat. I was fine with it and so was Aleks. So when they left, it was just us two. I was still looking around the room when they left and Aleks walked in. He stayed quiet and watched me stare at the spot where my bed used to be. "I would feel so alone here. I would lay in bed all day, never wanting to move, drowning the sound out with music. I wouldn't get up to eat either. Then finally, everything played to my advantage and I left. I felt so much better. Then when I met you guys and moved again, I finally felt what I haven't in years. I felt like I was home." Aleks then walked over and hugged me from behind. "I know I hurt your feelings (Y/N), but...we work together. I don't think anyone would approve." I pushed away and looked at him. "It's fine. I understand, but...you do things that just seemed like you kinda liked me. So, I'm sorry. I'm not your type anyways, right?" Aleks gave me a look. A confused look. "My type?" He questioned. All I did was nod, but felt words leave my mouth. "You're into strippers and whores and stuff. I'm not like that, so whatever." There is was. That old, petty teenage angst. Aleks then speaks up. "(Y/N). You got that all wro-" I had to cut him off. "I don't want to hear it. It's fine. I don't care. It's fine." Aleks sighed. "Whatever dude. Let's just drop it. I'm sorry." I apologized too, and we forgot it.

   My parents came back and we helped them unload. Soon enough, the smell of food filled the house and I was starving. Aleks and I sat and talked with them until the food was done. It was spaghetti with a special sauce my dad used to always make. When we finally began to eat, Aleks devoured the food. He loved it! After that, we had to rush back to the hotel and get ready for the reunion. I ended up just putting on some high waist shorts and a matching shirt along with my Vans and beanie. I looked like a fucking hipster. Aleks dressed up in his usual skinny jeans and v-neck shirt. Honestly, he looked hot as fuck, then I mentally shouted at myself for thinking that. 

   I decided to drive us there again. As I drove, I had my cell phone in the cup holder. I hated to keep it in my pocket in case someone called while I was driving. That's when we both heard it. Ding! I look down then back at the road. "Check who texted me please." I say to Aleks, but he already had my phone in hand. "It's some random number. 'Can't wait to see you tonight, we need to talk.' Who the fuck is this (Y/N)?" Aleks looked at me then at the message. My stomach dropped and I felt sick instantly. "Seth...that has to be." I reply, shaking my head. That's when Aleks grew upset. "I'm going to have a word with him." He dropped my phone and sat there. "Aleks....there is no need. Just leave it alone." He looked over at me and then sighed. He said nothing for the rest of the time.

   When we arrived at the crowded community center in my hometown, People were inside and out, talking, drinking, and partying. It was cool, but I wasn't happy about it. I grabbed the camera and recorded a small scene from outside the car. "I want to fucking die. Look at all these cars man. Look at Aleks." I turned the camera on him and he dabbed. "Going to get lit my duuuuudddes." I keep the camera on him and shake my head. "Don't ever speak again" I laugh then he flips me off. I shut the camera off and put it in the car. I locked the vehicle and we go inside. As we walked inside, I recognized some people, others I don't. We found a table that was empty and sat down. It was dark and loud. It made me comfortable. "They do have booze here, right?" Aleks leaned over and asked. I nodded and he immediately got up to get some. That's when two girls come up to me. "(Y/N)!" I looked to the unison sound and to my delight, it was Rose and Ellie. They were two of my best friends in high school besides Scarlet and Cameron. I got up and hugged them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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