-Chapter 5-

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   I wake up around ten to my phone going off. I ignore it though. It was too early to be dealing with phone calls. Especially since I didn't have to go in to the office today. The ringing went on though. I didn't want to answer, but when I looked at my phone I saw Aleks was calling me. I decided to finally answer. "What Aleks?"

"Damn, good morning too (Y/N). I guess I woke you up."

"Yeah....kind of. What's up?"

"I'm at Starbucks and want to know your favorite coffee."

"Mocha Frap thingy." I said. I was waaaaaay too tired to function. I soon hung up with Aleks and fell back asleep. ONLY TO BE WAKEN UP BY ALEKS AGAIN!!! He stood at my bed, screaming "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" I groaned and sat up. I yawned and looked up as he handed me my coffee. "Thanks..." I mumble and slurp out the straw. He jumps in my bed with his own coffee, ready for the day. Aleks must have put on some sort of cologne because I can smell it. It smells so good. I wake up fully and sit up straight. "So....(Y/N)...tell me a story f when you were in high school." Aleks said with smirk on his face. I sighed and smiled.

   "Alright...well, once, I was on my way to an honor band with three other of my friends an-" Aleks interrupted me and fake coughed. "Band nerd." I pluck his head and start again. "Anyways...we called a radio station that had a contest going up. I called once, they answered and I got the answer wrong. Then, we ended up looking up the answer to the question. So we called again and I told them the answer. I got it right and squealed. I talked to them for about five minutes. We hung up told everyone we won. Then...when the radio came on, they placed the announcement and me talking. I didn't know that was me so I shouted 'Oh you cunt! I fucking said that!' to which....my friends explained that it was me on the radio. I laughed and they started talking about me on the radio, calling me cute and wishing my friends and I good luck at the honor band. That led to another funny story..." I finish up and Aleks is just smiling at me.

   "Tell me that one now." He said, so I did. I told him about the flower card we won, then a week later, we went get the flower card out of a building of the school. My most innocent friend broke into the school so then we left and got the flowers. I told him about how we split the roses and vase. It was fun! Aleks laughed and sipped his coffee, as did I. We then sat there in silence. Aleks then got up and saw no packed bags. "(Y/N) where are your bags?" He asked as he looked around my room. I got up and put the cold drink down. "I need to pack. Can you hurry and help me?" He nodded and I pulled out a luggage case. I unzipped it and put it on the bed. Aleks immediately began to rummage through my panty drawer. He pulled out a small pair of pink laced panties and put them again his waist. "OOOOOH! Look at me! My name is (Y/N) and I have a huge thing for Aleks. He makes me sooooooo hoooorrrrnnnyyy~!" He then began to twirl them in the air. I blush slightly and start to laugh. "Stop, come on." I told him and we begin packing.

   Once the packing was finished, I decided to get ready for the day. Then, Aleks and I spent the rest of the time double checking our things, making sure we had everything, set up Joe and James to come check on both our dogs, and then play a couple of rounds of Black Ops. After all that, we left for the airport early. Traffic wasn't bad, so we got there on a good time. Just good enough to get our seats nearly first. I was so relieved about that due to anxiety and the crowds of people that scared me. So...there we were, on the plane. People were boarding and Aleks and I sat there, talking about what I use to do for fun back in my home town. "Well...there was barely shit. It's not like Los Angeles. We would sit out in Wal-Mart parking lots, ride around all night, go to the mall. Shit like that." I said to him as I glanced out the window. Aleks nods and smirks. "Small town loser." I roll my eyes and laugh. We then sit there in silence as we watch others board. I start to feel sleepy and my eyes close. Aleks notices and smiles slightly. "Hey...if you're tired, you can go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we land later." I nod and lean my seat back as much as it can go. I had a proived neck pillow and instantly feel sleep take over me.

   I open my eyes to see Seth in front of me. He was holding a box of my favorite chocolates that he would always get me for special occasions and holidays. "I love you!" He said as he held it to me. I shake my head. Tears fill my eyes and he tries to grab me. I then turn and feel myself sit up.

   I suddenly grabbed Aleks' arm. He had fallen asleep too, but his jacket was missing. It was on me. He rose his head and looked at me. "(Y/N) what's wrong?" He said in a groggy voice. I shook my head and lay back down. "Bad dream...just...a bad dream." I said and Aleks began to rub my arm. It soothed me back into another deep sleep. But....right before I fully fell asleep, I guess Aleks thought I already fell asleep, because his hand slithered down to mine and held it the entire time.

   About three hours later, we made it to the airport of my home state. Yet, my home town as another two away. I awoke to Aleks still asleep and us holding hands. I take it in for a moment and then pull away, to which he wakes up to. "O-Oh...hey...we're here. come on." I toss his jacket at him and stand with everyone else. Aleks sits up and rubs his eyes. "(Y/N), you can drive. I'm too fucking tired dude." I laugh and once there is less people, I get into the aisle and get our backpacks. I pull the camera out and record a little something. "Hey guys..so this is kind of on me, but I left LA for a couple of days for an early class reunion...before the reunion. I forgot to record us leaving Los Angeles. And..what I mean by 'us' is I have a guest with me." I then turn the camera on a very tired looking Aleksandr, standing up and staring at me. "Get that out my face." He smiles, then turn it back to me. "I have Aleks with me for back up so we can take over the fucking reunion. Yay! Soo....I'll update you guys later." I shut the camera off and put it in my bag. We then walk out the plane with the rest of the passengers. 

   Aleks and I stood at the line for luggage after getting off. We stand there, then I get a call. It was from the car rental agency. I excuse myself from Aleks and meet up with the agent. She gives me the keys and tells me that it's a black Camaro. I nod and I'm greeted by Aleks, holding both our cases. I take mine and we make our way out to the car. When he saw the car, he smiled and looked at me. "Dude....let me drive." He said. "What happened to being tired?" I asked. I pop the trunk open and put my luggage in there, he did the same. "I'm not tired anymore." Aleks laughed and I gave up due to his gorgeous smile. I gave him the keys and hopped in the passenger seat. I then set our destination after he got in and started the car. He then began to follow the destination.

   I opened the camera and start to record. "So....Aleks, what kind of car do we have here?" I asked the eager Aleks, pointing the camera at him. "A nice ass camaro dude!" I laugh and show off everything. I then point the camera at me. "I know when I post this, people are going to ask shit about us. So...Aleks was over when I got the invite for the reunion, and he advise I go and I asked him to come. He agreed. Just like the rest of the Cow Chop crew, he's my best friend. We aren't dating. So....chill on that. but yeah....time for the open road!" I shout and record the road for a couple minutes before shutting it off. I look at Aleks and he smiled slightly. "Glad you made sure we weren't a thing." I laughed and shake my head. For the rest of the time, we listen to the radio and talk. It was nice. I was just hoping everything would be alright.

   Aleks and I arrive in the town fifteen minutes away from my small home town and we get to our hotel. We check in and go to our room. It was lovely! Two beds though. That was fine by me. We got settled in and Aleks claimed his bed. Jumping and laying on it, bed closes by the door. I laugh and lay in mine. I turn the camera on and sit up again. "Here we are! Our radical room and a tired Russian twink. Oh...shit this sounds like a porno my dude." I burst into laughter as he looked at me and says "Shut the fuck up (Y/N)." I smiled and look at the camera. "I need to get food!" I end the recording there and look at him. "I need food Aleksandr. Want some dinner?"

   "Yeah...but let me rest for a bit." And he then passed out. I only set up my laptop up and watch YouTube. I did this as Aleksandr slept. And when he finally got up, we went out to get dinner. 

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