The Apocalypse

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I do not believe that the world will end at all

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I do not believe that the world will end at all. I believe that the Earth, like all living things, goes through cycles. She may decide to have a cycle where she shrugs off the human species as a mistake, and rearranges things so that other species can thrive while humans disappear, either by their own hands in a fiery cataclysm, or the forces of the earth which they have abused, such as the weather systems.

I also believe that we do absolutely control our destiny. If we choose to steward the Earth wisely, to work with our environment to maintain and improve it, she produces all that we need, all that all the living things that depend on her need. 

If we choose to learn to live with and cooperate with all the tribes of the Earth, whatever their religion or personal habits, skin color or hair style I believe we can all learn to live together. However, the current U.S. policy of forcing all the tribes, through economic means or force of arms, to bow down and adopt our style of living or else, is not the way to go about it. This has never worked well for any religion or government and in the end, only creates more strife and misery.

I heartily dislike all the movies and books and so on spawned by the "Mad Max" sort of concept that the nuclear holocaust will come and then it will be really cool to run around without laws and steal and scavenge. Read any intelligent scientific treatise on nuclear events. We are not going to survive a nuclear holocaust. Those few who might are not going to return to a world they are going to enjoy.

If a few humans do survive, it won't be "cool". It will be living in underground shelters for generations, surviving on whatever was stored by the generations before you since the Earth will not be producing edible food or water for a good long time.

If you are referring to the Biblical Apocalypse - three things.

One - I am willing to accept it is one possible ending, maybe not quite the way Christians interpret it, but I can see us blowing ourselves up in a fiery cataclysm.

Two - The lives destroyed or disrupted by the belief in the coming Apocalypse are legion. We have missed our due date, according to this or that religious leader, hundreds of times. If you choose to live your life waiting for God to snatch you up and therefore think you can treat the environment like shit because it won't matter anyway - well, Darwinism at work.

Three - the guy who wrote that chapter of the Bible was tripping on acid. Soak rye grain in salt water and you get LSD. This was his probable diet while he wrote that book of the Bible. Now, I could get into a whole different thing about the Bible, its origins, who chooses what goes in and gets left out, etc. but we'll save that for another day.

 but we'll save that for another day

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