63. First Kiss

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Sasuke and Sakura's first kiss was at a festival. They stood further away from the crowd since Sasuke had found a calmer place for them to watch it from. Sakura was glad that he had agreed to go since she had been eager to see the fireworks they were exhibiting. Once the fireworks had started, the pair looked at each other silently and Sakura moved closer to him. Before he could react, her lips had reached his. After a second, he pulled back. Her eyes widened and she frowned, apologizing to him and telling him that she shouldn't have kissed him if he didn't want to. He reprimanded her right away and told her that he did want to. She then asked him why he pulled back.  He, in embarrassment, stayed quiet then replied after a while that he had never had a real kiss with anyone and he was scared to mess it up. She found his shyness cute and told told him that she hadn't kissed anyone either and that this was her first time. He then felt reassured and proceeded to kissing her again, but for a slightly longer amount of time.

After that, they just watched the rest of the fireworks in silence but both of them had a smile on their faces, but Sasuke's was barely visible.

- @sarcasticnxises_ (Candy)

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