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Okay guys so I'm not often invited to parties. But for once I have been invited to one, and it's this weekend. I'm probably going to go, but I have a  very busy weekend ahead of me, with a volleyball match and my mother inviting guests over.



Food: 10/10 ---> the chicken wings were very good.

Decor: 9/10---> not enough chairs, and I get tired easily. (their was a pool...but no one went in, also pineapple flower pots which were really cute).

Music: 8/10---> good spanish reggaeton songs (although I don't really dance at parties, I admit that the music is good, and I listen to it at home)

Alright apart from that there is not much to say, I had a nice time. I only stayed from 7:30-10:30, because even though the party went on till 2AM, I needed my beauty sleep.

Also you will be proud to know that I don't drink any alcohol (or smoke, but that is a bit irrelvent here), although that ment that the only thing I could drink was water with ice. The ice made it way fancier...jk

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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