Who I am?

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I should probably be studying for my maths test tomorrow on Calculus, but somehow I lack motivation, and that requires too much effort. If you are wondering who I am? or what I look like? I'll give you some brief descriptions:

I am short, 1.65 (metres)

I have light brown hair (some people would consider it dark blonde hair), it's a bit wavy, and it stops just before my waist.

I have brown eyes, which change from medium brown to light brown. I have thin, dark eyebrows, which I want to grow into big Cara Delevingne (not very likely, but let me dream)

I have very short, curly eyelashes.

I have brackets, on my bottum and top teeth, and medium sized lips, only being big because of my brackets.

I have a small, long nose and sharp cheekbones.

It might be hard to imagine, but I am not going to put any pictures of myself on the internet for my own safety.

As for the question "who I am?", it's hard to answer because not even I know, I'm just a teenager, writing stuff to procrastinate from what she should actually be doing :(. I was going to say I hope that some of you can relate, but actually I hope that you guys are working, and are just taking a break to read this (am I being too optimist?).

Alright, I'm a highschool girl and I guess most of you guys know what it is like to have a crush.


Okay I needed to go study for my maths test. Hope you guys enjoy:-)

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