My life as a teenage girl

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I know that a lot of people might be experiencing a lot of worse things than I am, but I would like to tell you about my life at home. I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while, I had May exams, which went okay.

Well, my life at school is okay, although I feel a bit lost most of the time, I'm in 11th grade, and I should be thinking about my future career. And if there is one thing I'm sure about, it is that I have absolutly no idea what I want to do in my future. I barely know what I want to do tomorrow, so how would I know what to do in 5 years! We keep having university fairs and meetings, which stress me out even more.

At home, I waste soo much time online, which I later on regret. My mother keeps screaming at me all the time, which looks like something that will never end no matter what age. Even when I try my hardest, she is still screaming at me, and hits me often. She has some moments were she is completly the opposite showing that she actually cares about me, but then she goes back to calling me stupid or other names. My father on the other hand is someone that I look up to, he does tell me off occasionally, but doesn't shout or scream at me. He has a really funny sense of humour, and helps me with my homework.

Then I have two older sisters, which I both love, one is in colleage, and the other is younger than me, and lives with us. Of course, every sister has fights over little things, but those are short and temperorary. And I couldn't hold a grudge on either of my sisters for long.

Sometimes, when I'm wondering about my future, I wonder if I should really be going to school, because I don't see the point of school, I want nothing to do with it. Then there are moments that remind me that I really do want to leave home (aka. those moments with my mother). So I end up putting up with those thoughts in my head, and waking up early in the morning.

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