The Sequel's Plot!

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If you guys hadn't guessed it from the title of the chapter, I am going to write a sequel for A Second Chance! I have come up with three different ideas for where the sequel will go, but I need your help. I'm going to need some feedback of which direction you would like this story to go. Think if it like choosing an option in the actual game. I will explain briefly about each branch it could take, and your job is to vote either A, B, or C in the comments below (and if you have an idea for one of the branched feel free to share with your vote!).

Option A: 

This option follows a Jekyll and Hyde type story line. For those of you who don't know what Jekyll and Hyde is, Here's a quick summery: A scientist by the name of Dr. Henry Jekyll wants to separate the good and evil in men. So he created a formula that did just that. Everyone, deeming he was just crazy, decide not to help him, leaving poor Jekyll to test the formula on himself. This creates his alter ego Mr. Edward Hyde who is a sociopath that kills people in the night. It is a silent battle   for control between Jekyll and Hyde. (Basically an early case of schizophrenia, but if you're interested feel free to google it)

In A Second Chance it is mentioned that Herobrine needs to escape through the mind of someone, and that someone would be Jessie. It would follow the same concept of Jekyll and Hyde. Jesse being the good Dr. Jekyll and Herobrine being Mr. Hyde, respectively. This story would mostly focus on Jesse and her change in character throughout the book (will her friends notice?). If you're interested in this sequel, vote "A".

Option B:

This plot will follow the rise and control Herobrine archives as he comes to dominate this minecraft world, with Jesse and the gang failing to defeat him before he reaches ultimate power. As we dive into this newly formed dystopian world, many are weak and give in while others are a bit more resilient. Those that are resilient, may need a little help though. Did someone say "Viva la revolution!"? If you want to see Jesse become a revolutionary as her and a small army fight for their world back, vote "B".

Option C: 

Option C is where all worlds collide. Herobrine rises and forms and army, Jesse does the same. With old and new friends, a battle of the ages is upon us. There will be fighting, bloodshed, betrayal, and more as good friends become enemies and enemies may just become friends. Does Jesse have what it takes to organize and manage an army of this size? Will friendships become something more? If you want to see the clash between good and evil and follow Jesse through many trials and tribulations of being a war leader, vote "C".

Well, You have your options! Again, if you have anything you might want to add to one of these branches, please say so! It is still in the brainstorming phase! I will leave this vote open for awhile, most likely I will close it a little bit after the last episode of Season 2 A comes out. So you have a while to think. I will let you know which option wins. Thanks again for convincing me to write a Sequel and I'm excited to see what y'all think for the plot of the sequel! 

Silver out!

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