Chapter 2: Life After Death

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Lukas's P.O.V.

It's been about five weeks since Jesse died. Nearly every day I go to the monument to talk to her. I always try to bring her new flowers. Walking over to the statue, I set the new flowers there and picked up the old ones. Sitting down, I leaned against it.

"Hey Jesse." I said as if were talking to her. "Being the new order, we have been helping the town rebuild. Even Ivor has been helping. I went to go talk to the Ocelots earlier today, well the 'Blaze Rods' now. Aiden took over while I was helping the others and kicked me from the group. He was mad at me and kept saying something about 'stealing his chance to be a hero'! Can you believe that?! After what you did for everyone!" I said irritated as I looked up at the statue. My smile faded a bit. "We miss you an awful lot. But I know you're in a better place." I looked up at the sky.

I noticed the sun was starting to set. "Well, I better head home." I said getting up. "I'll be back tomorrow, promise." I started walking away, paused to look at the statue once more, then turned and kept walking home.

Jesse's P.O.V.

                I was running through the forest as fast as I could. The sun was setting in the distance and I had no weapons or armor. Thinking to myself, Gotta find some shelter, and fast! The sun finally set as I reached the end of the forest. I saw the lights of a small town in the distance. Zombies started to spawn near me, so I ran faster twords the town.

                I made it to the center and looked around for an inn or somewhere I could stay. The town looked a little beaten up. My guess would be, they were still recovering from the wither storm. Suddenly, a door to a small house opened. There was a woman peeking out the door at me.

                "What in the world are you doing out here at this hour?!" she asked me in a shocked tone.

                "Um...Wel-" I started

                "Get in here, quick!" she cut me off. The zombies were slowly catching up to me, and I didn't want to be one to argue with someone who was offering me shelter. I ran through the door and the woman slammed it shut. When I stepped into the house, it was cozy looking with a living room and a kitchen. There was a hall leading off to the right and a small boy sitting on one of the couches in the living room staring at me. I turned around to see the woman locking the door.

                "Here," she said leading me twords the other couch. "Sit down. It seems like you've had a long day." She smiled at me. Then she got up and started to head twords the kitchen. The little boy was looking at me with a curios face.

                "What's your name?" the little boy asked with a grin.

                "Je-nnifer. Yea. Jennifer." I said stumbling over my words. Everyone thought I was dead, if I told them my actual name they wouldn't believe me. They would just probably think I was crazy or something.

                "That's a cool name! My name's Henry!" he said cheerfully. I smiled back at him. Then the woman came back in with a cup of tea.

                "Here you go dear," she said as she handed me the cup. She walked over and sat on the other couch next to Henry. "Now I never did get your name." She said eyeing me.

                "Her names Jennifer mommy!" Henry blurted out next to her. She looked back at me, so I smiled and nodded in agreement.

                "Well, Jennifer, you never did tell me why you were out there." She asked. "You don't need to tell me if you don't wat to, just motherly instinct." She added.

                I smiled at her and said, "It's alright, I had just gotten lost without any weapons or armor. I had been out looking for some friends." I finished. She looked back at me.

                "Well you can stay here for tonight and head out to look for your friends first thing in the morning." She said. Taken back by her hospitality, I nodded and thanked her. She showed me to the guest room.

                The next morning, she gave me a wooden sword and some bread before I left. I couldn't thank her enough. She told me to go to the house on the far end of the town. There was a man there and he gave me a horse for my journey. I thanked him and set off to find my friends.

Olivia's P.O.V.

                Ever since Jesse died, everyone has been different. Axel and I don't fight as much, Petra has been even more distant than usual, and (what I wouldn't expect) Lukas has been going to the monument every day to bring new flowers. To think that he was our rival only a couple of weeks ago, he sure cares a surprising amount. It's obvious he had a big crush on Jesse, and I totally shipped them!

I was just thinking to myself as I was trying to finish building this wall. We were building a new temple for us, like the one the old Order had. It was starting to look impressive.

                Whenever we saw Petra she would try to get us to go on some adventure to cheer us up, but no one really had the motivation to go on one. Everyone would just think about how Jesse would have wanted to. I told Petra that in time we would probably go on an adventure with her. But for now I turned my attention to finishing the temple.

Authors Note: Well I said it would be a long one. I had some fun with this chapter! I will update pretty frequently, and I have a feeling that my writing will get better as the chapters come. Thanks again for reading! Feel free to comment any questions or ideas about the story!

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