Part 4

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Mi's POV

I was getting so worried about Ci, she was really the only true friend i had, We had known eachother since we were 1, her and her family moved into the house next to me, and my parents got to be good friends and we have not been separated since, I really dont know what I'd do if I lost her, she means everything to me. I love her so much. I was talking to Liam about her and how we met and stuff, when he looked over to her bed and nodded and smiled i immediately looked round to see her look confused but happy, really happy, happier than he had been before, recently she had lost her grandad to heart failier and cancer, they were so close, it was heart breaking to see her upset, but now she is happy, I ran over to her and gave her a massive hug as the boys called in the doctor, We'll wait outside Ci, give you and the doctor privacy while you talk i said she nodded and we walked out, walking around impatiently, Then Liam and Niall walked off because they needed to 'talk'

Liam's POV

Niall i called as we were waiting outside Riannes room 'yes' he called back I need to talk to you about something about you know.. 'Ok then mate'

Mi will you be alright her with the rest of the boys while I go and talk to Niall quickly? i asked 'yeah I'll be fine,, go and sort whatever it is out' with that me and Niall walked outside.

Niall, Look Rianne's friend Milie is really  hot and I think I'm starting to love her,, help me with this please?

Yeah sure mate, oh and I really like Rianne I'm gonna tell her later, when you guys have gone. he replied

Alright then mate, lets go inside and see if Riannes ready to go

with that we walked back to see the boys and Mi in Riannnes room

Nialls POV

Liam had told me he had feelings for Ci's bestfriend Mi, I could tell there was a certain chemestry between them, he didnt need to say a word i had already figured it out, but the other s hadnt. I decided to tell him about Rianne/Ci too, and told him that I'm gonna saty with her tonigh t for a bit to make sure she is okay, and to tell he my feelings. Me and Liam walked back to Ci's room to notice that she looked quite upset, i ran to her and gave her the best horan hug i had ever given anyone before.

Ci's POV

about 5 minutes after evreryone else walked in Niall and liam came in, Niall rushed over to me and gave me the best hug ever! i fekt so safe in his arms, I was inlove, the rest of thegang went to get food from Nando's and left me and Niall together..

Niall; Ci, I have something to say, I love you, when you were at the M&G today I spotted you, and told myself that your the one i have been wating for. I understand if you dont feel the same.

Me; I love you too Niall, youre the one i have been waiting for too, i giggled back,

Niall; So I know its not the nicest place to ask you, but will you be my girlfriend

Me; Niall I'd love to.

half an hour later, the rest of the guys walked in, and i noticed that Liam and Mi were holding hands, my smile grew 100000 times larger, I must have looked like the cat off of Alice in wonderland..

Guys, can I talk to Mi please? I asked, they nodded and Niall winked at me discretly and left.

So mi, you have explaining to do!, i giggled

Mi's POV

Me and the boys apart from Niall walked back from Nando's to Ci's hospital bed, Liam had spoke to me and we told eachother our feelings outside the restaurant away from the boys as they waitied for our order, then he asked me out, of course i said yes, he was the guy of my dreams.

Me and Liam held hands the entire way back as we walked behind the boys so they wouldnt get suspicious.. then we walked into Ci's room to see he look at our hand s then smile as she knew staright away that something had happened. 'You have expalining to do' she demanded as the boys left the room. I told her everything and she told me what happened with her and Niall to. I was so happy for her.


I was able to go home now as my heart had improved alot! but the doctor said that I cant leave unless someone was able to stay with me for a week, but my parents had just flown to Italy to visit my brothers for a month , so I was home alone and Mi, was going to be at her nan and grandads who lives 500 miles away, so Niall my caring boyfriend came to the rescue and said that he will take care of me, Louis, Harry and Zayn looked at eachother and shouted 'NIALL'S IN LOVE WITH CI!' at the top of their voices, he agreed and we decided to tell them abou tout new relationship, the congratulted us, and said we are eachothers perfect match, then Liam and Mi decided to spill the beans about their relationship too,, the boys were so happy for us, as they already had girlfriends and knoew how it felt to be inlove.

I was at home with Niall and the boys and Mi, saying our goodbyes, I told Niall to go and that I'd be fine on my own but he demanded that he would stay and look after me. I accepted, and started to get a bed ready for me to sleep on so he could sleep in my bed.

Niall; Babe, why are setting out another bed?

Me; because i need somewhere to sleep if your in my bed..

Niall; NO! you sleep in your bed, and i sleep in the spare room. You need rest okay, now go to sleep as it is 11;45pm and you have a busy day.

Me; Okay, Niall, goodnight Love you!

Niall; Love you too sweety, sweet dreams

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