Part 3

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Mi's POV

I heard a massive thud, as i looked around i saw Ci laying on the floor, I panicked and didnt know what to do, I just broke down into tears, luckily we were the last ones to be greeted by the boys, so they rushed over to be beside me and Ci, Liam, he was the one i died for, he was my favourite, dont get me wrong the other boys are perfect too, But Liam had something special about him, anyway, he saw me crying and rushed over to give me a hug and to reassure me that Ci was going to be fine.

Liam's POV

I saw a beautiful girl in the crowd at the meet and greet today, she was just beautuiful, i heard her have a rave and i assumed to be her bestfriend, she was saying that shes really pretty, and that she shouldnt be thinking about that stuff and to not worry about what the other fans thought of her or something like that, anyway it was mine and hers turn to meet, she choose to meet me last, I dont know why, but i stood up to give her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, as i did she blushed and looked away, she looked so hot blushing, Her friend had already seen me and went to see Louis, then suddenly she staired to sway, and then fainted, I was so worried, I love all my fans and worry about every one, but this was different.

Louis, Harry and Zayn's POV

Finally the last 2 fans to meet and greet, Niall and Liam had an interst in them,,, As one of the girls was staning with Liam, the other fainted.. quite scary really.

Niall's POV

There was stood the most beautiful girl i have ever seen she was in a white and pink flowery dress, with a 1D bag, she had blue eyes and blonde hair, she was just perfection in my eyes, I looked over to Liam and gave him the 'That's the one' look, he nodded and looked at her friend she was pretty too but god her friend gheezee!, I heard the girls friend shout no youre beautiful, and look your future husband is sitting right there infront of you! I didnt get her name but i was planning to when she finally decideds to walk up to me.. Finally she did, i stood up like a gentleman, gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek as did the other boys, i asked her her name, her name was Ci or Rianne, the most perfect name to suit her, she left me with another hug and kiss and went on down the line of boys, her friend was next her name was Milie or Mi, I could tell Liam was inlove woth her already!

I loked around as there was no other fans that was able to be greeted and noticed Ci on the floor looking pale, me and all the boys rushed over to her while Liam comforted Mi.

*In hospital 3 hours later*

Ci's POV

I woke up feeling normal, I looked around and noticed wires in my arm and hands, and a pale pinkish room, I sat up and saw Niall, Mi, Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry, they saw me awake and called for the doctor. the doctor came and left and told me that i need to rest for a week as the shock had affected my heart.

2 Bestfriends and 5 boysWhere stories live. Discover now