Part 2

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This was it, we were finally there, in a queue of about 500 people, and of course we were last, we made the most of our time though practising what we were going to say, and checking if we looked good enough to be seen by One Direction.

'NEXT' i heard as management called for the people infront of us

At this time Milie and I started to panik,

*Milie's POV*

This was it we were next, me and Rianne (Ci) both jumped as it was so loud, the the panik and worry started to dawn on us, all the things we had practised in the last few hours had completely left our minds, i just kept looking at me as if to say that she dont belong her that she's not pretty enough, but to be honest she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! Mi I feel really uncomfortable now, I keep getting dirty looks and people keep laughing at me, is my make up okay, has that gone wrong, what about my hair, Oh my its my clothes isnt it, I'm too fact to wear this dress, I knew it, I should'nt have come, this was a bad idea she said, but it was so silent no one else but me could hear.

Ci, How dare you say that! you are beautiful, how many more times do i need to tell you? You are NOT fat, your make up is perfect, and your hair is just marvalous now just shut up, because you were supposed to be here, you BELONG here, with your future husband that is just sitting right infront of us, Them girl were doing them things because they are jealous of you, not because of what you just said now please, just smile and forget about them stupid idiotic girls, I said loud enough so the boys could hear.

*Ci's POV*

Great getting funny looks, this isnt right i shouldnt be here, I thought to myself, I decided to tell Mi how i felt, and she got a bit angry i could tell, then she started to speak abit louder so the boys could hear our convosation, jus as she finished her rant we were called over


Now finally it was our turn, first we went to Niall, truth is he was my favourite,, He looked at me, I smiled and looked to the ground GOD he was so gorgous, next was Zayn, Then Harry, then Liam, then Louis, I couldnt take it, it was too much hotness for one day, everything went blurry, then black as i felt myself hit the floor.

Part 2 complete

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