The Tale Of Awakening (Part 2)

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Jaune watched as Pyrrha's lifeless body fell to the floor, her once bright emerald eyes being replaced by a blank green stare. Jaune's eyes widened as he stood there, dumbfounded. After several moments, he dropped his weapons and quickly ran to her, landing on his knees and lifting Pyrrha's head into his lap. His hands felt her neck for any trace of a pulse, for the light push against his two fingers that would signal life.

Instead, all he felt was heat leaving her body, her blood beginning to cease all movement. He screamed in agony as he continually shouted her name.

"Pyrrha! Pyrrha! Pyrrha!" Jaune gently shook her head each time before he finally stopped. The tears blurred his vision as he used his hand to gently close Pyrrha's eyes.

The last  thing he saw was her peaceful face, then nothing.


Ren and Nora rushed the person in front of them, the one who had fired the arrow. Nora, of course, lead the charge and swung her hammer at the target. The woman Nora was swinging at merely held up a finger to block all of her attacks, each swing being stopped merely by her fingertips. Ren then appeared behind her, a furious look in his eyes. He swung his blades back and forth, only to have the woman dodge every strike before jumping back to her feet and placing a hand on both Ren's and Nora's chest.

"Infernal Burst." The woman said as a  discharge of flames suddenly erupted from her palms, blasting Ren and Nora away. Ren crashed into the ground and rolled before coming to a stop. Despite the flames, he only suffered minor damage. Thanks to his aura, he was able to prevent any burns however the blast had somehow weakened his entire body. His arms felt heavier and his legs nearly gave out on him as he struggled to stand. Nora was unconscious, however, much to Ren's displeasure.

A golden light suddenly caught his attention. He turned to look at the source before his eyes widened again.

"Jaune.' Ren breathed. Jaune had placed Pyrrha's body back on the ground, however he was not the same. The wings from when he fought the Hydra had once again taken form, however this was entirely different. Jaune, in simple terms, looked like he was wearing an armor made of light energy. On his chest was a glowing yellow chest plate with intricate decorations of two wings. The armor pads on his shoulders were designed to look like golden wings. The armor covering Jaune's legs were, however, the exact opposite. No special decoration was on the shin-guards, but the golden outline of the armor was more than enough to make up for it. his wings also shined even more than before.

"Jaune, what-" Ren breathed before Jaune suddenly disappeared from view. A loud cracking sound was heard to Ren's right and when he turned his head to face the sound, a look of shock covered his entire face.

Jaune had firmly implanted his fist into the lower gut of Cinder Fall, Pyrrha Nikos' murderer, and from the sound Ren had just heard Jaune had broken several ribs.


Tai effortlessly blocked Hazel's fist with his elbow before leaping into the air and landing a kick to Hazel's head. This made the larger male stumble, however Hazel quickly recovered and retaliated with a heavy fist to Tai's face.

"You're pretty tough." Tai said as he wiped a squirt of blood from his lips.

"As are you, however I would like it if nobody else died today." Hazel replied. Tai smiled at this.

"Same here." Tai replied as he launched himself at Hazel yet again.


Jaune quickly slammed his fist into Cinder's face again, quickly following up with a kick to her stomach which sent her flying.

"You...." Jaune seethed as a golden energy suddenly enveloped his right fist.

"Killed Pyrrha!" Jaune finally shouted as he connected his fist with Cinder's skull.

"Now it's your turn!" Jaune shouted again.

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