Tale Of The Vytal Festival (Part One)

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Jaune suddenly awoke from his nap, realizing that on his Saturday that was meant to be spent finishing homework, he'd fallen asleep until 6 pm on Sunday.

"Crap baskets." Jaune swore under his breath, quickly looking around the room.

"Where's everyone?"


"Jaune can't know about this, alright?" Pyrrha whispered to Sun, a very bright and positive monkey Faunus. Sun nodded his head in response before quickly running away from her.

"Whatcha doin' Pyrrha?" Nora asked loudly, suddenly popping up behind her. She startled Pyrrha, causing the red haired beauty to suddenly jump.

"Oh, it's just you, Nora. I was.... making arrangements." Pyrrha said, obviously lying.

"Oh...... OHHHH....." Nora replied, nodding her head as she slowly understood what Pyrrha was hinting at.

"You mean Sun is going to bring everyone and come over to our dorm for Jaune's surprise birthday party!?" Nora shouted loudly. Pyrrha slapped her palm against her face, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Nora...." Pyrrha said slowly.

"Yes, Pyrrha?" She replied innocently,

"You do remember what we talked about, right?" Pyrrha asked her. She nodded her head.

"We had said to not tell anyone about the surprise part-.... Ohhhhh........" Nora said, her eyes widening at her sudden realization.

"Where's Ren?" Pyrrha asked suddenly.

"He's out getting the supplies." Nora said instantly.

"But weren't you supposed to be helping him?" Nora suddenly conjured an image of Ren from earlier. He was basically covered in bags for the supplies, almost overcome by the weight. He had asked her something, but Nora couldn't quite hear him.

"Seems like you got it all covered, Renny. I'm just going to find Pyrrha." Nora had chimed, skipping away from him. She vaguely remembered a crash behind her, but that probably wasn't him.

Nora shook her head to Pyrrha.

"He seemed fine without me."


Glynda Goodwitch watched from the Ozpin's office as Jaune walked around campus aimlessly.

"He looks..... so much like Elliot." She sighed to herself shortly after, turning her back on the window.

"Is that the reason why you agreed to allow him to join Beacon?" Ozpin asked, sitting behind his desk and signing away papers.

"Of course not. I merely accepted him due to his paperwork, but I'm starting to believe that he forged them." Glynda replied.

"He did." Ozpin said simply. "So what shall we do about it?"

Glynda stared at him blankly. What were they going to do about it? Normally, Glynda would have the student expelled instantly and yet...... he looked so much like Elliot........

"If he does not surpass the rank of 30 soon, then we will expel him." Glynda stated strongly, although Ozpin noticed the cracks in her voice and eyes.

"I have some news for you: he already has."

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