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The metropolis that was Quinton's home, Zirao Zion, was an architectural wonder that was well-balanced with nature. Their high rises were in domes of greeneries that integrated rivers and waterfalls into their infrastructures. Their houses and mansions were ecofriendly and surrounded by woods. They were inherently creatures of magic, and they could shift into an equine form that made their commute fairly simple. Their only form of long-distance transportation were several monorails that curved high above them and led from one city to another. Cha Borolan, Junziean, Sero, and Peraza were the other cities that made up the core of their Pangea-like continent. Their technology varied slightly from the technology of their neighboring dimension, but they still had stoves, computer systems, and their own version of portable communicators, all created with materials that were safe for the environment.

Unicorns had little to no curiosity about their neighboring dimension, where the humans lived. The biggest, and most adamant, exception was when they caught the scent of a chaste maiden. Quinton, a third year student, was on his way to his college campus when he caught a rather captivating scent of coffee, chocolate, and caramel. He followed his nose, which led him off the path of the woods through dense forest. When he reached a meadow, he realized that he was standing on one of the dimension boundaries. They were taught as children how to cross through the boundary into the neighboring dimension, but it was such a long time ago that Quinton let out a curse.

"What kind of magic was it again? Air with water? Air with plant? Pollen?" He hissed under his breath, desperate to remember. As he kept grumbling to himself, the scent became stronger. "Wind and pollen!" He recalled. The Unicorn immediately called forth the magic of wind and pollen as he walked through the boundary onto the backyard of a human home. "Finally!"

Quinton's silvery blue eyes widened in surprise when he heard his statement echoed by someone else. He glanced towards his left and almost did a double take at the short Nightmare with pewter hair and wild, peacock topaz eyes that stood three feet beside him.

"I found him first!" Quin growled in warning.

"Like he'd want you anyway." The Nightmare's lip curled in annoyance. "Calling dibs like a child arguing for the last treat."

Synan crossed his arms over his chest. He was smaller than the obnoxious Unicorn, less muscled, too. That didn't mean he was going to back down even if he was a little scared of the much larger muscle-bound unicorn. Synan had grown up fighting for every scrap. His peacock-colored eyes narrowed. This maiden was his. Such a lustful heart could only be satisfied by a Nightmare.

Quinton took a step back as if the Nightmare had tossed a bucket of water at him. "Excuse me? Who wouldn't want a piece of this?" He said as he motioned towards his athletic physique and lovely face.

Synan raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Fluffy meatheads like you are a dime a dozen, sweets. You can offer what, a quick bumbling tumble and then you disappear?" The Nightmares ran his palms over his chest, down his flat stomach to his lithe thighs. "I can satisfy for as long as there's a need or desire."

Quin felt his breath hitch at the seductive display, but he merely glared and focused on tying his long and wavy wheat-hued hair back into a ponytail with the tie he usually kept around his wrist. He tugged the elastic off with his teeth and flexed his arms as tugged the strands away from his handsome face.

"We shall see who wins in the end, little one." He hissed.

"Little one?" Synan snapped, voice rising. "I'm eighteen years old or I wouldn't even be able to be here. And I may not be stupidly tall, but I'm plenty big where it counts and I can take it big where it counts, too! You probably got all pumped up to compensate for something that was lacking."

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