Derpy x Shy!Reader: Want a Muffin?

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You shake your head. Why did you agree to go to this party again? You hate parties. Well, no, you don't hate them, exactly, but you'd simply rather avoid them if you can. Too many ponies. But it's a birthday party for Derpy Hooves. She's one of the only ponies who actually talks to you; going out of her way sometimes to do so. Sure, Pinkie does that too, but she's a little...too excitable. Pinkie makes you feel awkward.

So anyways, you're standing in the corner of the room, hoping that nopony tries to approach you, or at least, anypony who's not Derpy. You notice that only a few ponies actually came. Is it because of Derpy's clumsiness?

The door opens. Somepony enters.

"Oh, is this the party for Derpy Hooves? Looks like nopony came. They don't like you because you're so clumsy that you ruin everything. I've had the wrong package delivered to me twice." The pony stalks out.

From across the room, you see Derpy, looking angry, tears glistening in her eyes. She turns and runs into the room in the back. You ponder for a minute, then run after her.

You find the gray pegasus mare sitting on the floor, facing a wall. As you enter, she looks up at you, and a few tears drip down her face.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," Derpy says shakily with a forced smile, trying to sound cheerful like normal. The way she wipes at her eyes with a hoof tells you she didn't want you to know she's been crying.

"D-Derpy, what they said, it's not true," you say, trying to think of a way to help her feel better."Hey, w-want a m-muffin?"

"Okay," she says. You go back out into the main room and bring back in the tray of muffins.

"Your eyes are amazing," you say. "Th-they're unique and cool; y-you can see two ways at once, and I don't think anypony else can do that. I mean, sure, you can b-be a little clumsy, and sometimes you make mistakes, but I think it's-" You gulp a little. "I think it's c-cute." It came out as barely more than a whisper.

"Really?" Derpy perks up a bit.

"Y-yes, you're adorable, and sweet, and kind," you say, exercising a newfound courage. "A-and I..." Maybe another time, your well of courage is running a little dry.
Derpy wipes the tears away with a hoof and smiles a real smile, which warms your heart. She throws her hooves around you in a hug, stopping to stuff a muffin in her mouth.

"Thank you, (Y/N), I feel a lot better!" You two return the party shortly after; you promising yourself to tell her next time, hoping this courage will be there when you need it.  

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