Another Stranger?

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Once I tossed my duffel in and climbed into the back of a nice looking car. Mr. Wednesday got in the driver seat but didn't turn the car on.
"You know, I was only 6 months from being aged out of that hell hole." I looked at him through the rearview mirror.
"That hell hole looked like it was about ready to kill you," he took the folder and laid it the in the dash.
"I was ready to get out of there-"
"You're welcome." He answered back, starting the car.
"I wasn't thanking you. I have over 120,000 dollars saved up for when I got aged out so I could start on my own. Get an apartment and a job and take steps towards college." I began checking my bruises out in the mirror.

"Trust me, you'll want to be with your father. Big changes are coming and you're the key. When you meet your mother, you'll understand." He pulled to the side of the street where a dark skinned man with knit together eyebrows climbed into the front seat. I felt myself recoil slightly.
"Shadow, I want you to meet my daughter. This is Clara Rose. Clara, say hi to Shadow Moon." I raised an eyebrow to both of them.
Shadow turned in his seat to look at me. He had a strong angular jaw and a perpetual bitch face.
"You have a daughter?" He nodded towards me in a hello.
"Yes, can't you tell? She has my eyes." I most certainly did not. My eyes were blue with gold around the pupil.
"What happened to her face?" He whispered to Wednesday.
"Ask her, I was told she got in a fight but I know a lashing when I see one." We pulled onto the highway.
"What kind of place were you staying in?" Shadow turned to me again.
"A bad one." I answered, a bitter taste in my mouth.
"Do you have any water?" I asked politely, tasting the metal of blood. I had ruptured the split lip.
Shadow bent and grabbed a bottle of water and a napkin for me.
"So what actually happened? I know you didn't get into a fight. You would never take that much damage unless it was at least 3-1." Mr Wednesday chuckled.
"Helga happened. I was 5 minutes late for lights out." Wednesday's expression grew sour.
"What did she do?" Shadow pressed. His chocolate brown eyes obviously looking at the side of my face.
"She has a belt called The Thrasher. It's a long leather belt that's been used so many times the end is in splits. Hurts like hell." I gave a small shudder.
"That woman is going to get what she deserves very soon. Trust me, my dear. Revenge will be taken." Mr. Wednesday gripped the steering wheel.
"For someone who didn't care about me for this long, you sure are 'protective' over me." I commented, taking a long sip of water.
"It took me this long to find you. Your mother hates me at the time and requested that you be moved around rather often." Wednesday pulled into a bar and shut off the engine. He turned to me in the seat and said,
"Trust me Clara. This will all turn out peachy in the end. Believe me."
With that, we headed inside the alligator themed bar.

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