A Visitor.

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I woke up, hot and cold at the same time. Someone was trying to wake me. I kept my eyes closed and sat up, my bones and wounds aching.
"Clara? What happened!?" A voice whispered to me. I tried to open my eyes and found that the one was swollen shut.
I looked at the person with one eye. It was Libby, a small black girl with a large Afro and Carmel eyes. She was in her day clothes and she looked worried.
"I missed curfew." I mumbled simply. My hands braced myself on the edge of the bed, I needed to stand and get dressed. Breakfast was soon, and I was starving.
"Clara, there's someone here for you." She whispered, her excitement was showing through. "Get up and get dressed! He's waiting downstairs to see you!"
"What kind of someone?" I stood and winced as the pains shot through my stiff body. I felt every wound throb in different time signatures. My face hurt. Libby helped me get dressed, taking some of the pain away. A shaky walk to the bathroom so I could wash my face and observe the damage. All the day showerers were in their perspective spots, letting me have a sink for washing my face. The foggy mirror couldn't hide the red swollen side of my face. I turned the water to as cold as it could go, splashing it on my face to reduce the swelling. It felt so much better. The cold water just had a way of waking up your body and melting the pain away.
After brushing my teeth and my hair, I went down to the main level. Libby was helping me along the way.

The stranger here to see me was exactly who I thought it was going to be. The man from the bar who claimed to be my father. I looked at him with both eyes. His expression changed when he saw my bruised and swollen face.
I glowered at him, with my one eye. Helga was at the table where they were both sitting. A menagerie of paper work spilled in front of them.
"What happened?" He stood up and approached me.
"Why are you here?" I hissed at him once he got close enough. His hand took my chin and moved my face so he could get a better look.
"Who did this?" He turned to Helga, a ferocious anger in his eyes. She took one look at his expression and lied through her yellowed teeth, "She got into a bit of a scuffle while she was out last night. It's not as bad as it looks." Helga gave a sympathetic look. The man didn't buy it for a second.
"If I find out you laid a hand on my daughter, you will be fired and taken down by forces you cannot control." He was seething with anger.
Helga looked nervously from the papers to his face before saying, "Well, let's get these signed Mr. Wednesday!" She clicked the pen for emphasis. Mr. Wednesday rolled his eyes.
"Clara, go gather your things." He looked to me. I gave him a hard look, Libby tugged on my arm. I went and with her help, packed my duffel bag full of clothes and all my belongings. The bag held looser because I didn't have a lot. I took my stuffed dog Spot- the only thing I have had for longer than 5 years. 5 years is when the cycle reshuffles for all the orphanages.
I winced hard when I slung the bag over my tender shoulder. I made my way down the stairs, at the second to last landing turning to Libby.
"I'm gonna miss you." I hugged her tight and rubbed her back carefully.
She clutched on to me back and whispered, "Don't forget about us, will you?" She had tears rolling down her chin.
"I couldn't forget you if I tried," I squeezed her back. "And believe me, I have." She laughed out a soft sob, she held me at arm length before taking a long look at me.
"I'm gonna miss you." We descended the stairs.
Mr. Wednesday was signing papers quickly. He looked up at me and gave a face that sympathized my roughed up complexion.
"Well, Ms. Paskinsky, I believe this is all I need to sign to bring my daughter home." He tried to take my bag, but I swatted his hand away.
"I can get it, I'm good." I repositioned the strap, wincing a little at the bite of pain.
"Yes sir, I believe this is it. Clara, good luck in your new home and stay out of trouble." She tried in for a hug but I stuck my hand out for her to shake instead. Her fat hands grasped it and gave it a sweaty squeeze. I nodded to her and pulled my hand away.
Mr. Wednesday grabbed the bundle of papers and stuffed them in a folder.
I followed him out into his car.

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