We Meet.

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"What do you mean you're my father?"
I narrowed my eyes at the semi tall man in front of me. He had grayish hair and two different colored eyes. He looked too old to be my father.
He sighed and reshuffled the deck of cards in front of me, almost annoyed with my disbelief. I knocked back the last of my drink before I looked back at him.
"I mean, I made love to your mother one stormy night and you happened nine months later." He dealt cards to me and himself.
"I don't know my mother." I growled. My mother was a touchy subject, being the years of abuse I endured from foster home to orphanage to group home and then repeating the process again. I flipped my cards and looked at one, king of clubs.
"You don't know her yet. Your mother is a spectacular woman," he flipped the top of the deck and squinted at his cards for a second. "I will let you meet her in some time."
He was too nonchalant. I didn't like him and I certainly didn't believe him. I took a long drag of my e cigarette.
He chuckled and pulled out a real cigarette, "Got a light?" He asked innocently. I puffed a cloud of vapor towards him and pulled my lighter out. The blue torch lighter that I've had since I was 8 never seemed to run out of fluid.
He took a long drag and blew it to the sky.
"So, you're obviously skeptical about this." He said, placing down two cards and drawing one.
"A strange man approaches me in a bar with a deck of cards and says 'Hey kiddo, it's me your dear old dad! You never met your mom buts she's great! Wanna come with me to meet her?' Like it's the most casual conversation possible, yeah. I'm going to believe you." I rolled my eyes and made a cloud of vapor over my cards, switching them easily before he could see.
He chuckled again and tossed his cards. "You win," he raised his hands like he was surrendering. "But I truly am your father and your mother wants to see you, so come along now." He began to gather cards, taking them from my hand. I looked at him with the face, the face was famous.
"You're joking." I blew a small puff of vapor at him and turned on my heel. I grabbed my jacket from the chair and pulled a five out of my pocket, dropping it on the table.
"What do you have to lose?" He called after me. I felt my blood boil hot and fresh. I turned on my heel and growled, "what did you say to me?" I was an inch from his face, angry and seething.
"I said, what do you have to lose if you go with me? I mean, from a background like that you can't have much to go back to. Considering you're not even legal yet."
He raised an eyebrow at me which made me furious. I wanted to take a swing at him, break his jaw with my knuckles, crush his windpipe with my heel.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You don't know me. You have never met me. You know nothing about me. You are a liar and a cheat. You're not my father and you certainly aren't going to get me to go with you to see my 'mother.' Fuck off, and leave me the hell alone."
Every word was a growl and the bar became silent as I snarled at him. I was clenching and unclenching my fists, seething with anger.
He started to shake. I felt better because I had intimidated him. Until, he was actually shaking from laughing. His laughs grew in size until he was roaring with it.
'Walk away.' My brain told me. 'He's doing this on purpose to try and hurt you. Go home, it's almost curfew.'
I gave him a nasty look and turned on my heel, blowing vapor out of my nose with a "Fuck you." as I walked out of the bar. I pulled my jacket tight around me and headed into the brutal chilly wind.

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