Chapter 7

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From his nest atop Stark Tower, the Hawk stood watch over the streets below. At this late hour, there were really no pedestrians nearby. So when he saw two figures walking next to each other, he perked up and took note. He quickly typed a text out on his phone: "Take cover, Eagle and Widow are landing."

Clint ran back in the building and down to the lounge, only to see the others had already scurried off, taking cover. They'd been smart enough to leave the fresh cookies on the counter top. Clint decided not to stick around and went to join the others.

When Steve and Natasha stepped off the elevator, hand in hand, the smell of cookies was unmistakable and they followed their noses to the kitchen. Natasha stepped up to the counter top to read a note that sat next to the cookies. Steve stood over her shoulder, reading it with her.


Steve and Nat,

We're sorry about cutting the power and for all the other things we did to try and push you two together. We shouldn't have gotten in the middle. If it worked, then these are "congratulations" cookies. If not, these are "we are very sorry" cookies.

Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Clint


They started laughing and they each grabbed for a cookie. Steve walked to the refrigerator. "Want some milk?" he asked.

"Sure," she laughed, looking at the pathetic note. "They're like puppies," she said.

Steve got out two glasses and started filling them with milk when he saw four heads peek around the door frame. He started to laugh.

"Can we come in?" Clint asked.

"Come on," Steve smiled, nodding his head to them.

Wanda walked in with her arms out, headed straight towards Natasha. "I'm sorry, Nat. We shouldn't have done that." Sam, Bucky, and Clint headed straight for the cookies.

"Milk?" Steve asked, holding up the container. The four of them nodded.

Looking at their pathetic faces, Natasha laughed and said, "What? - Were you guys trying to reenact The Parent Trap or something? You look like four bad little kids sitting here."

"Did it work though?" Sam asked.

Steve and Natasha looked at each other and smiled. "Yeah, it worked..." she said.

"Alright!" Sam cheered, raising his arm into the air for an instant high-five from Bucky. "We got Mom and Dad together!

The Captain Trap (Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now