Chapter 1

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I do not own these characters (I just write them as a way to love them and care for them).

|   WARNING: This story has the good Captain's "Language" warning   |

"YOUR MOTHER!" Bucky yelled, bending to grip his thigh with his right hand.

Steve sucked a breath in between his tightened teeth. "Sorry, Buck!" he called out as he gave a hard toss with his shield once again. The shield hit Steve's target, a menacing steel android who was running straight towards them. "I didn't expect it to break into millions of exploding pieces," he yelled, continuing to move.

"...Sorry, you know I loved your mom," Bucky said as he turned behind him to knock another android into pieces with his metal fist.

Suddenly, there were no more androids flocking to them. The two men stopped to look around them.

"You better watch your mouth, Barnes. Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Natasha said into their ears over the comms.

Steve exhaled and looked at Bucky, shrugging.

"What's the status, Nat?" Steve asked.

"There are a half dozen more," Natasha said. "Nevermind, make that 4... Clint's all over it."

"We're on our way," Steve said, letting out a sigh and starting to run. Bucky joined up with him and the two turned a corner to join up with the rest of the team.

Bucky reached over and slapped Steve's arm to get his attention. Steve looked over. Bucky stopped running and started making motions while he mouthed words to Steve. "Are YOU," he pointed at Steve, "and NATASHA... a thing?"

Steve shook his head.

"WHY NOT?" Bucky mouthed, exaggerating his mouth.

Steve didn't move. He went to open his mouth but nothing came to him. He motioned with his head towards where the team was and started running again. There was a loud noise over the comms and Clint said "Guys, hurry up, we've got a problem." Then they heard Natasha making noises.

Three blocks down the street, they could see Clint trying to lift a pile of rubble. They ran faster down the street. Upon arriving at Clint's location, they could see Natasha pinned under the pile. Steve and Bucky got on either side and lifted as she crawled out. "Thanks, boys," she said, as if it was no big deal at all that she was stuck under a hunk of metal.

They dropped the heap back to the ground and Bucky reached down to offer her a hand up. "You okay, doll?" he asked, giving her a grin.

"Yeah, I'm good," she said, casually, glancing at Steve.

Just then, Sam swooped in from above with Wanda in tow, dropping her gently to the ground. "We're all clear," he said.

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