Chapter 1

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Sal Vulcano and Brian Quinn have been friends for 23 years. They've helped each other out, and Sal helped Brian through a lot. So they've grown close to each other. They've been doing their show, "Impractical Jokers" with their other two friends, James Murray and Joe Gatto for a long time and have millions of fans. They have fun doing the show. Sal gets most of the bad punishments, although Murr is elevated by a crane, and must endure getting hit by bats as if he were a Piñata. But, for Sal, the worst was being in a cage full of cats. He could have said no, but nobody says no to a punishment. Q's worst one was where he had to explain the birds and the bees to his parents. He was embarrassed that he had to do that, but he managed it.

January 7, 2013: One night after filming, Q, Sal, Murr and Joe went over to Sal's house to play a brand new video game on Sal's new Wii. Brian and Sal were in Brian's car. Murr and Joe were going to go over to Sal's house and wait outside for them; Sal refused to give them a key. They went to a convenient store which isn't far from Sal's. After they got the snacks and cases of Sierra Mist, they headed back. Q laughed when he saw Murr and Joe outside. "You should have given them a key," He said. "Fuck no. They’ll mess up my house. I don’t think so," Sal said. "That was for a punishment. We would never do that again…. unless it’s for the show," Q said as he smirked. Sal rolled his eyes and looked through his phone. Q notices that Sal was quiet; an indicator that he's annoyed and upset. Q said, "Sal?". Sal ignored him and continued to scroll through his phone. "Sal?!" Q said trying to get Sal's attention but to no avail. Q sighed and said, "I was just joking, Sal. I'm sorry.". Sal glanced at Q and sees him looking at him doing the sad, puppy dog face. Sal sighed and said with a smirk, "You make it so hard for me to be mad at you when you're so cute.". Q smiled with victory and said, "Never fails" as he stopped. Sal and Q got out and walked inside and the other two jokers followed. Putting the case on the counter, he opened it up, and Q did the same thing. They put the drinks in the fridge to get them cold. Sal had a few inside already. He got four out for him, Q, Murr, and Joe.

Once every drink was in the fridge, the guys crowded around the living room. "So, are you ready to this video game?" Sal asked while plugging in the Wii and grabbing the remote from the table. "No. Let do something else," Joe said. "Like what?" Q asked. "Let's play a game I came up with. You and Sal have to play," Joe said. "What about me? I want to play," Murr said. Joe looked over at him. "Only two can play this. It’s call gay chicken," Joe said. Q and Sal looked over at him. "Gay chicken? What the fuck is that?" Sal asked; perplexed. Murr accidentally knocked his drink down which spilled all over the floor. "Oops," Murr said. "Dammit, Murr! I just waxed the floor this morning!" Sal exclaimed as he quickly ran to the kitchen, grabbed some paper towels, came back and wiped the spill. Q helped him with a smirk as he tries not laugh, but Murr and Joe couldn't hold back their laughs. "Yeah, what this game?" Q asked. Joe laughed and continued, "It’s a game where you have to do more and more physical stuff until you chicken out. It’ll be hilarious between you guys." Sal pointed at Joe and asked, "You… want us… to do this?" Q looked over at Sal then at Joe. "I am up to it. How about you buddy?" He asked as he patted Sal's back. "Um…. well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it," Sal said. "Alright!" Joe said. He took a sip of his drink first then looked at Sal and Q. "First, face each other," Joe said. Q and Sal faced each other. Joe smirked then said, "You guys have to hold hands for five minutes." Q groaned and looked at Joe. "For real?" He asked. Sal looked down at his hand then at Q’s. "Yes, unless you refuse. If you do, you're chicken. Come on, Brian. Be a man!" Joe said balling his hand in a fist. "And what are you, a drag?" Q joked and laughed and looked over at Sal who was laughing along with Murr. Joe, making one of his stupid faces, was playfully offended by that joke. "Alright, that's enough. Let's do this," Q said. He reach his hand over to Sal and held it without thinking about it. Sal sighed as he held Q's hand. Brian looked at their hands and licked his lips. He looked up at Sal, and Sal was looking back. Joe and Murr was laughing a little. Sal heard them laughing, but he didn’t care. He just focused on what he had to do so that he wouldn't lose the game. Brian bit his bottom lip then gasped a little when he felt Sal's thumb across his hand. He was feeling something in his stomach that he haven't felt in a long time; butterflies. He gulped deeply and looked to see if Sal was feeling anything, but before he could, Joe announced they could let go. Sal pulled his hand back and wouldn't look at Brian. He was feeling something, but he didn't show it. Brian sighed then laid back a little. "Alright. Now you two have to hug for about ten minutes," Joe said smirking. He knows that one of them will crack, but who? Sal shrugged. "I don't mind it. It's not like we hugged for very long before," he said Sal and Brian looked at each other. "True. And we are good at it," Brian said then laughed as he lightly nudged Sal’s arm.

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