Tias death

838 13 15

It's a warm summer day in  canterlot tia walked around the hallways pouting and shouting orders and wouldn't stop.
Tia: find who killed Luna NOW!!!
gaurd: somepony is here to see you your Highness.....
Tia: who the heck is here this is my BREAK TIME MAKE THEM LEAVE OR ELSE!!!
She raised her hoof up in the hair tempting to punch the gaurd in the face.
Gaurd: um I.....I......he is already here your higness
His words shuttering as he slowly walked away.
tia: hi what are YOU here for!!!
Cloaked  pony: in here to give you a tip of advice* grabs out gun and shoots her*
Cloaked pony: don't ever
yell at me ever again princess....

Tia: all right....
As she spoke her very last word it wasn't anything important except it was.....
Tia:I will get you some day.....

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