Chapter 11

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     Miss Ashley was awoken by the sound of the blaring siren. She threw the covers off of her sore body and sat up, becoming confused when she saw that she was already half dressed. She picked up her shirt off the crate next to the cot and pulled it on, being careful of her arm as it still hurt badly.

The boys around her began to stir, then got out of bed themselves. They watched with puzzled looks as Miss Ashley buttoned up her shirt and pulled her hair into a scruffy ponytail, leaving her fringe to frame her face. She was oblivious to them at first, as she was still half asleep. She hadn't woken up again since Mr. Sir had finished bandaging her up the day before and since he didn't want to move her around too much, cautious of any further damage it might cause, he had left her to sleep in D-tent. Squid had lay next to her.

She stretched her legs, which was painful since they had almost been crushed during the crash. Considering the position the truck had landed in, she was lucky to be alive. Nothing was broken, however, every part of her body still ached. She walked to the exit, stopping when Squid said her name. She turned and pulled a strange face upon seeing that it was him. She shook her head, thinking it was just her imagination, then proceeded to walk out. She went towards the siren with a slight limp and reached up to turn it off, just as her father came out of the office. He smiled when he saw her, but the delighted expression soon disappeared as he began to wonder why she had gotten up when she should have been resting.

He walked up to her, holding his cup of coffee. When Miss Ashley saw that he only had one, she asked, "Where's mine?"

He raised his eyebrows, as he hadn't been expecting that coffee would be the first thing she was concerned about. He handed her his cup. She thanked him and sipped it.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked.

She frowned at him. "I always turn the alarm off, daddy. You know that."

A mass of campers began to stream out of the tents. They were about to line up for breakfast, but when they noticed Miss Ashley standing by the siren post, they ran to her, seemingly excited. They crowded around her and she stood still, bewildered as to what they were so happy about.

"You're alive!" one boy called out.

"How are you feeling, Miss Ashley?" shouted another.

Mr. Sir put his arm in front of his daughter to stop them from getting too close. "Yeah, yeah," he said. "She's alive. Now come get your shovels."

He left Miss Ashley's side to go open the shovel shed and the campers followed him. They lined up in their groups, but most kept their eyes on the female counselor, who was examining the bandages on her arm. It took her a while, but she eventually recalled the accident. She walked around the corner to where the water truck was parked. Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski had went back to the lake to retrieve it, then pushed it all the way back to the campsite. The bonnet was covered in dirt and scratches, and the driver's side window was still missing, apart from some shards that had remained around the edges upon smashing, but the airbag had been replaced, as well as the tires; the front ones had ended up punctured upon impact.

She went back to her father and handed him back his coffee without saying a word. He scanned her up and down to see if she was really okay. Although she seemed well enough to work, he told her to go back to tent F and get some rest.

"I'm fine, daddy, really," she insisted, waving her hand at him as if shooing a bug away.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Because Lou will let you take the day off, if you want."

Mr. Sir's Daughter: The Only Girl At Camp Green Lake (Holes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now