Chapter 15

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It was late when Miss Ashley woke up. The tent was dark and quiet. Squid lay fast asleep next to her. Her fringe moved with every breath he took. She felt her stomach rumble and thought about going to the mess hall to see if her father had saved her a plate from dinner. She watched Squid sleep for a little while. His breathing was slow and steady, and it almost made her want to let him carry on sleeping, but she had no idea what time it was and she didn't want to go walking around the compound alone. She traced the shape of Squid's eyebrows and nose with her finger. His nose twitched and he lifted his hand to her face.

"Wakey, wakey," she cooed.

He took her hand and squeezed it. "What time is it?" he croaked.

"I don't know," she whispered, "but I'm hungry. Come help me find something to eat."

Squid shushed her. He tried to go back to sleep. She planted tiny, soft kisses all over his face, even on his eyelids. He opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at her.

"I wanna wake up like this everyday," he said.

She grinned back at him. "Me too."

He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed them. She sat up, pulling him up with her. They were still fully dressed, right down to their boots. They tried to leave without making a sound. Outside, the sky was clear and black, dotted with twinkling white stars that went on for miles. It had been a long time since either of them had seen the sky like that. For a moment they just stood there and stared at it, clutching each other's hands.

Miss Ashley's stomach growled again, reminding her why they'd come out in the first place. She tugged Squid toward the mess hall. Neither of them turned on the light when they got inside. They went straight up to the mini fridge behind the counter. There was a plate inside wrapped in tinfoil, with a card that said Ashley's name on it. She thanked her father in her head and uncovered it. It was a chicken salad sandwich. She and Squid sat on the cold tile floor and each took half.

"Why didn't your dad wake us up?" said Squid.

"He's probably cutting me some slack since I got punched in the face," said Miss Ashley.

Squid smiled at how she said it so casually. "Does it hurt?"

"A little. Do you really think I'm still beautiful?"

Squid gave her a funny look, as if she even had to ask. "I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Miss Ashley smiled massively, then winced at how badly her lip stung. Squid laughed at her.

"Hurry up and eat your sandwich," he said. "I wanna make love to you under the stars."

Her face went bright pink. Despite how much it hurt, she couldn't stop smiling. When they were both done eating, Squid grabbed her hand and practically dragged her to the lake. He lay down on the dirt, resting his head on a small dirt pile, and looked up at the sky. She twiddled her thumbs.

"Are we really gonna..."

Squid looked at her, making her go shy. He thought it was adorable.

"We don't have to if you're not ready," he said, and he reached out for her. "Just lie here with me."

She took his hand again and lay down next to him on the ground, resting her head on his chest. The sparkling night sky was absolutely breathtaking. She could hear Squid's heart beating and feel the steady thump thump thump on her cheek. He gently combed her hair with his fingers.

"If we were gonna do it, this moment would be the perfect time and place," he said, not taking his eyes off the stars.

She lifted her gaze to him. "Do you want to?"

Mr. Sir's Daughter: The Only Girl At Camp Green Lake (Holes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now