Chapter 17

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17 years later 

Marianne turned the radio up and put her feet on the dashboard. She kicked to the beat of the music. Her father knocked her feet down.

"What have I told you about doing that?" he clipped. "Keep your feet off the dash. What, do you think I'm made of money? Do you think I can just go out and buy a new car as soon as this one gets ruined? I've told you a million times..."

Marianne laughed. "And I've told you a million and one times, it's just a little dirt. I'd think you, of all people, wouldn't mind your things getting a little bit dirty." She put her feet back up. "I mean, you lived in the desert for, like, ten years."

Her father knocked her feet down again and held them in place by her ankles. "That's exactly why I have a special appreciation for keeping things clean."

Once again, Marianne laughed at him. "Listen. You know I love spending time with mama every summer, but do I really have to stay here for the whole three months this year?"

"Yes, your mother has her heart set on it," said her father.

"I know and I love mama," said Marianne. "You know I do. But I was thinking this year maybe we could spend a couple weeks somewhere else."

"Like--" He stopped and pointed at her feet, sensing she was about to put them back on the dashboard. "Put your feet up there again and I swear to God, I'll bury you in one of those holes." He smacked her ankles. "Like where?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe somewhere where there's a drop of water in the lake?" she snarked. "Maybe a blade of grass? Just a thought."

"Look, when you're eighteen you can go wherever you want," said her father. "Until then you're going to spend every summer here with your mother, just like you have for the past six years."

Marianne groaned, but she knew there was no point in arguing with him. She had never in her life won an argument against her father. He could be extremely stubborn when he wanted to.

The car came to a halt and she leapt out. She breathed in the hot, dusty air and let out a long, high-pitched sigh.

"Home sweet home!" she joked.

Her father shook his head. "At least pretend you're happy to be here, for your mother's sake."

"Ain't that what I'm doing?" she said.

He nudged her toward the office. She found her mother sitting behind the desk with her three year old brother on her lap. They both lit up when they saw her. She kissed them on their cheeks.

"I've missed you, sweetheart," said her mother. "Have you been good for your daddy?"

"I've been a delight," fibbed Marianne. "If he tells you any different, he's lying."

Her mother laughed. She stood up and gave Marianne's father a hug. "Good to see you again, Squid."

"You too, gorgeous," he said. "Where's your dad? And Charlie?"

"They're around here somewhere, working," said Marianne's mother. "Sweetheart, why don't you take Lucas and go find them?"

Marianne picked her little brother up and went to do just that. Her parents sat down at the desk.

"So, how does it feel to be back?" asked Marianne's mother.

"You ask me that every year," said Marianne's father.

"I know you miss it," she said. "I miss you."

"I'm sure Charlie would be real pleased to hear you say that," he said.

She shrugged. "He knows. Are you nervous about leaving Mari here this year?"

"Why would I be?"

"She's almost the same age as I was when I fell for you."

"Well, let's just hope she falls for a guy as good as me then."

The two of them smiled lovingly at each other.

"I can only hope," said Marianne's mother. 


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