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We got to the prison. I didn't know why they thought it was safe there. I could already see plenty of faults with the place. First off the fence, it was falling down. The walkers were pilling up. 

Hershal: Sweetie let's get you something to eat.

Me: Ok... who's the cook around here? Is it Maggie or Beth?

Hershal: Neither of my daughters are the cook. Haha! Actually it's a person you haven't met yet. Her name is Carol. She's very nice and she treats the kiddos like they are her kids. 

Me: Oh.... Do you think she'll like me?

Hershal: Most definitely! You'll be the light of the whole place!

Me: Really! You think so?

Hershal: I know so.

We got to the food place and there was Carol. She looked like someone who I could call mom.

Carol: Hey Hershal. Who is this?

Hershal: This is Angelee.

Me: It's Annie. Beth came up with it.

Carol: Well welcome Annie. How long have you been out there?

Me: A couple days.

Carol: Last time you ate?

Me: ummmm at couple days ago...

Carol: Let's get you fed little girl. You're going to fit right in.

Carol got me a small steak with a little bit of corn. Then Carl and Daryl showed up.

Daryl: Hey Carol! We got ourselves a rabbit and a deer!

Carl: I got the deer. God Daryl, tryin to take all the credit. 

Carol: Haha! Well, good catch Carl. And Daryl you can do better than a rabbit. Anyways we'll have a good dinner tonight and enough for everyone.

I was actually quite entertained by the bickering going on between Daryl and Carl. It was just nonsense between those two. After I had finished eatting Maggie came over to show me where I would be sleeping while I was with them. 

Maggie: Since you're gonna be with us for a while I outta show you where you're gonna be staying for while.

Me: Ok! So you're Maggie right?

Maggie: Oh dear I forgot to introduce myself. Yes, I'm Maggie. There's no need to be afraid of anyone here. We are all like one big family here. After this all started we came together and we didn't know one another. We ended up getting along and being real happy like a family. 

Me: So, I probably won't fit in then. 

Maggie: Sweetie you're already like family here. You're gonna be like my lil sis. Beth is my younger sis but I hardler ever talk to her anymore because well...... she has things to take care of.

Me: Oh....

Maggie: Well, this your cell in this block. 

Me: Who's on the other bunk?

Maggie: It's just Mika. She's just a sweet 8 year old that we all love.

Me: Oh, ok....

Maggie: Get some rest.

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