Chapter One

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It’s just the same thing ever day. Wake up to a blaring alarm, drag my tired ass out of bed, and go to school. Then you spend all damn day staring at the clock as you try to somewhat retain all the useless information they’re trying shove down your throat. Then to top it all off like the fucking cherry it is you have endless hours of homework for every single class- it’s just frickin’ wonderful.

I stare at the clock, the repetitive tapping of my pencil going about five times faster than the ever present ticking of the second hand. I chew on the inside of my cheek, biting back a disappointed sigh at my negative thought process. I didn’t use to be so angry, but life decided to put in a new meaning behind the saying “Karma’s a bitch” and honestly, the bitch is kicking my ass.

Ihatethisclass.Ihatethisclass.Ihatethisclass. I repeat silently to myself in a mind numbing mantra- not that it’s helping at all, but it’s something to focus on. I look around the class and everyone has the same lost look with the same glazed over glassy eyes, which makes me laugh silently to myself at the irony, and they say we don’t wear uniforms.

The door is yanked open and everyone’s heads whip around to stare at the distraction from the monotony of the class as the sunlight bursts into the classroom. It’s only an office aide, and even the reprieve from the lesson can’t seem to hold their attention. She walks over to the teacher and for a split second I focus on the two of them in order to appreciate the extreme contrast between the two of them. She looks young and perky, whereas he appears decrepit- like the only thing holding him together is the routine boringness of his everyday life. Well, that’s the product of society for you; I’ve always thought it was a broken system.

“Cerulean Musetta?” He calls out, and his questioning voice sounds the exact same as his informative tone- it kind of makes me wonder is he’s unsure of what he’s teaching us.

Everyone looks around, and they all seem more confused at my name than the usual confusion that’s on their faces every time Mr. Slatts tries to teach; well, that’s a first. I raise my hand and recognition flashes in everyone’s eyes, well, recognition and boredom. I’m not exactly the most popular girl here and honestly, everyone could care less about anything that has to do with me. I guess it’s to be expected though, all things considering.

“You’re wanted in the office. Take your things with you, class is almost over.” He says as he walks towards me, holding the office pass out towards me.

I take the crinkled slip of marigold colored paper. I don’t say anything, and it’s not like he really cares anyways, as I pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulder; making my way along the aisles and rows of desks to the door.

The world outside my mental comatose inducing math class is sunny and bright, and quite frankly it’s a bit blinding. I squint my eyes at this bitch of a thing called sunlight as it burns through my retinas- not like I wanted to see after this lovely little field trip to the office or anything like that; no, that would just be ridiculous!

I grumble silently to myself as I walk down from the top of campus down towards where the building that the office is in. We have an open campus because the administration seems to think the sunlight will help us learn and that we need it to function, like we’re plants or something; last time I checked I didn’t have leaves or petals, but maybe that’s just me.

The sky is a really clear blue today with little fluffy white clouds floating across its wide expanses, and the leaves in the full foliage of the trees are just as dark green as the grass. Not to mention the crisp bright flowers that gives the landscape a little bit of pizzazz with their splashes of color. The campus certainly is beautiful, but it’s still empty during most of the school day- it always makes me think of a hauntingly beautiful ghost town.

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