Chapter Two

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I woke up in a very uncomfortable bed, with a thin blanket over me. I had a bad headache, and my throat was burning.

Beside the bed was a small chocolate bar and some water.

I rubbed my eyes in order to figure out where I am and what's going on, but nothing came to mind.

A ray of sunshine drifted from a nearby window, which made me very annoyed.

I got up from the bed and left the room where I was. The corridor was long and filled with doors . There was nobody nearby, I was alone.

I couldn't remember how I got here, not even who brought me here. I was confused and curious at the same time.

"Good morning. You're finally awake." Someone said, their voice froze me in place.

I slowly turned my head to look back and my eyes met with the eyes of an old man, with a long, white beard.

He held a small smile on his face, which made me feel a little relaxed and for some reason safer.

"My name is Hershel Greene. Would you like to tell me yours?" He asked politely. I gave him a weak smile but I didn't know should I trust him. I was scared.

People went crazy after the apocalypse started. After they lost the people they love. People started enjoying killing others, not for surviving but more for fun. Not only the "undead" , living people too.

In their eyes you could see the enjoyment and lack of interest,emotion for the pain of others.

That's why I was scared of this man.

I can't trust others so easily.

To me, every single person on this Earth is the same.

Sometimes even worse than the flesh eating monsters.

They're killers.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, you know that?" Hershels voice broke my thoughts. I looked down for a few seconds and shook my head. I can't tell him. Him or nobody else like I said - I don't trust people anymore.

"It's okay. C'mon, let's take a look at that wound." Hershel said. I looked down at my old lace T-shirt. There was a little blood stain I haven't noticed till he pointed It out.

I pulled my shirt up just for a little bit and saw a cut over my stomach. I couldn't tell how deep it was but nothing was hurting so that reassured me the cut wasn't serious.

Hershel showed me the way to one of the rooms,I'm guessing It's his own little 'ambulance'. I was told to lay on the table so he can take a good look at my wound and remove the stitches from it.

I did as I was told and laid down, watching the wall infront of me blankly.

"You live here alone?" I finally asked, through my teeth, trying not to cry. My cut was really hurting now, and I needed to find something to distract myself from thinking about it.

"No. There's a whole group. One is outside as a lookout. One is out to find some food. Everybody has something to do." He answered, concentrated on what he was doing.

"How did I get here?" I lifted my head asking.

"The men from the group brought you here, they said you were injured. After that you fell into a little coma. You were out for about three weeks."

"Oh wow."

"You were a doctor before all this happened?" I asked.

"No. I was a veterinarian."

"Oh ,I see."

When Hershel was done, he put a new bandage over my cut. He said it will bleed only for a small amount of time, after that I will be okay. I thanked him and went back to the room where I first woke up.

One thing I didn't notice is that there was stuff that , by the looks of It , belonged to a boy on a bed next to mine. Then I realised I was sharing a room with someone. I changed my T-shirt into a black tank top that somebody left for me while I was asleep.

After I laid down again, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I turned around and my eyes landed on a boy, who was around my age.

It's the boy from before, I thought.

He quickly turned away, angry at something or someone. I heard him doing something but I couldn't really see what that was, then he laid down on the bed next to mine. After that there was nothing but dead silence.

Soon, I drifted off.

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