Chapter Five

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It was two o'clock in the morning when I suddenly decided to wake up. My head was hurting really bad, and Carl's flash light was not helping at all. Everybody was asleep long ago, except for him, who was still up reading comics Michonne got him from the last run she went to. I cover my head with the cover and groan loudly.

''Seriously Carl, turn that shit off.''

''If you are so annoyed by it, there's a bunch of free cell rooms you can stay in.''

''Are you serious?''


I rubbed my eyes and got up to see if Patrick was awake, since I didn't want to get into a further argument with Carl. I took my knife and got out of our room. I went to check block D first, since I assumed Patrick was sleeping. I haven't seen him since he claimed not feeling well back at the story time. I was walking past the public bathroom, when I saw Karen coming out, pale and trembling.

''Thank God, it was only you.'' she said, relief clear in her voice.

''What's wrong?''

''Nothing, don't worry. Why are you awake so late?''

''Carl was being a dick, so I wanted to check on Patrick, since I didn't want to get in a fight with him. We are already on a bad terms.''

''I recommend you go back to bed, Patrick's probably already asleep too.''

Even thought I was against it, and wanted to look for him, I felt exhausted and tired, so I went back shortly after. Carl was already far asleep, so I decided to get some three hour rest too.


A clock outside suddenly awaken me from a deep slumber I was having, and Rick waking Carl up so he can go and help him in the garden. I got up quickly and went to catch a snack.

It was early in the morning, and everybody was still asleep except for few people. I've been having a pretty strange nightmares lately. I would usually wake up sweaty and tired, not knowing what they were about.

I went outside to catch a breath, and cool air hit me in the face. It was pretty cold today, and I had nothing except my thin V neck tee shirt on. I noticed Carl and Rick who were heading to the garden, and Michonne who was just getting ready to go for a run.

''Be careful out there.'' Rick said, turning to Michonne.

''Always am.'' She said. ''Any requests? Books, comics..? Why don't you wear your hat anymore?''

''It's not a farming hat.'' Carl smiled. ''See you soon?''

I rarely see Carl smiling. His face brightens up, and it almost makes me want to smile too.

''Pretty soon.'' And with that, Michonne went off on her horse.

Michonne was a pretty stubborn person, but on the other hand, she was pretty good. I got close to her this last few weeks, and I can honestly say I like her. She's probably been trough rough time in the past, I can't even blame her for sometimes having a cold personality.


I heard two loud gunshots coming from the inside, and little Mika running outside screaming for help.

''Walkers!'' somebody yelled.

''Lenna, Carl, get in the tower with Maggie!'' Rick yelled at us, running toward the front entrance. Carl went running to open the gates for Michonne to come back in, and I went to help him.

Michonne got two big walkers on her now, bringing all her strength not to let them bite her. As she was walking backwards, she tripped and fell over, both walkers falling over her.

''Michonne!'' I yelled on top of my lungs, running over there to help her. I grabbed one of the walkers and screamed at Carl to help us. He grabbed one of the guns closest to him, and as it fired, a walker I was currently holding fell on the floor with half of his head missing. Michonne pushed the walker that was on top of her off, Maggie finishing it with a gunshot in the head.

''Are you okay?'' I asked, helping her up.

''Yeah,'' she said and hung onto Maggie. Her leg was badly hurt. We continued to walk toward the prison entrance, hoping everybody was okay.

A ton of gunshots continued to fire in the distance, and I knew something bad was happening. I felt a slight relief when I saw Rick and couple other people coming out of the prison, and Carl leaving Michonne in Maggie's care and running over to hug him.


''Okay I'm here, I'm fine.'' Rick said, hugging a boy who was now looking so innocent and helpless in his arms. ''Back away.''

''Dad I'm sorry,'' Carl said, ''I had to use a gun at the fence. I swear I didn't want to.''

Softness Rick held in his eyes a moment a go left the moment Carl said those words.

''He saved me Rick.'' Michonne defended Carl.

''You alright?'' Rick asked Michonne, standing up. Michonne nooded. ''Patrick got sick last night. Some kind of flu. We think he died by it last night.''

Carl's face went pale, and he bent over grabbing his knees. His friend just died I thought to myself.

''Look,'' Rick said, grabbing Carl by his shoulder, ''I know he was your friend. He was a good kid. We lost a lot of good people.''

Carl just nooded.

''Glenn and your dad are okay,'' he said, pointing at Maggie, ''But they were in there. Shouldn't get close to anyone that might've been exposed. At least for a little while.''

''Carl.'' I said, grabbing him by the shoulder. ''I don't feel well.''

I felt a little dizzy, and something was squeezing me in the chest. I cough a few times trying to catch my breath, but all it did was make it worse. Carl grabbed me by the waist, putting my hand over his shoulder.

''No Carl,'' Rick said pulling him away from me, ''She might've gotten it too.''

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