Chapter One

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Repeating the awful images of the scenes where my family died in pain, I slowly slid down the wall, letting a little sob escape my mouth.

I can still hear their screams of pain, as the group of living corpses tore their bodies apart right in front of my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't protect them, I didn't have the strength to at the time. I ran like a coward, leaving them to die. I couldn't save them. Them or myself.

As a single tear fell down my pale face, I heard one of the biters approaching me, and everything went blurry. Mostly because of the anger I felt at the moment. I took out a small hunting knife from my pocket, stabbing its eye, more times than needed. I wonder if they feel pain, so that they feel what my family felt when they were eaten alive.

When I finished taking my anger out on the corpse in front of me, the floor was covered in blood and my face and clothes were bloody. I got up and threw up. My stomach was very weak.


I was free to rome the streets, and not care about the biters. I have their scent. The smell of rotting flesh and their blood covering me from head to toe. And when I ran into one of them all it would do is ignore me.

I did not eat, drink or sleep for a few days - I was totally exhausted. My apettite fell to zero because of everything that was happening. I don't even have the strength to defend myself and then the thought occured to me , the thought that I might just die.

I decided to stay in one of the houses, just for one night, to rest a bit.  I chose the house by random, slowly opening the door and making sure that no one is inside. The first thing I did was block the door with an armchair so nobody could come in.

The house had only one floor, and it was completely empty. When I went into the kitchen, I fell on my knees in front of the refrigerator that contained food that was, unlike the other ones I found, good. I took the first thing my eyes landed on and started eating with pleasure, my hunger dissapearing with every bite.

After I made ​​sure the windows were closed and that the house was empty, I lay on the couch and immediately fell asleep.


I was woken by hard banging on the door and a voice. As my reflexes kicked in, my arm went for the gun in my left pocket as I carefully listened.

"I know there's someone in there! Open the fucking door!" someone with a deep, manly voice yelled.

"Daryl!" One voice, which seemed to belong to a young boy, maybe my age, said.

"Daryl stop. You will attract Walkers." The other man  said.

"We can't come back empty-handed. None of these stupid houses has any good food!" he said.

I got up and moved the armchair to unlock the door. When I opened it a little ,just enough to see who's on the other side ,I saw a man with a gun and a man pointing his crossbow at me. Next to them stood a boy with his silent gun pointed at my forehead.

I pulled out my gun and just as I was about to aim it, I felt a strange stinging-like pain on my stomach.

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