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Senior year went by too quickly. I had a really good basketball season and got offered a spot on the team of Hope College, a small Division 3 school in Michigan. Since they were strong academically, I accepted and was pretty happy to be somewhat close to the University of Michigan, which had been Chloe's first choice for the last couple of years.

One day when I was watching TV in the living room with my parents, I heard the back door open and, moments later, Chloe practically flew in.

"Guess what," she said out of breath. "I got an art scholarship from Hope College."

"Wow, that's great! I didn't even know you had applied there."

"Oh, right, I probably just forgot to tell you."

My mom got up and gave Chloe a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you dear. Come sit down and tell us all about it."

By then it had sunk in that, if Chloe accepted, I'd have my best friend with me in college.

"Are you going to accept?" I asked.

"Gee, I don't know," she said with a smile.

"Honey," my mom said turning to my dad. "What do you think the odds are that both of the kids would end up at the same school?"

I could have sworn that she winked at him when she asked that.

"Yeah, I'm shocked by the staggering improbability that Chloe might end up going to the same school as Sam."

Sometimes my dad says funny stuff like that.

In the end, Chloe accepted the scholarship. To celebrate, and as a graduation present, our families took us on a trip to New York shortly after we both turned 18.

It was a great summer. As usual, Chloe and I spent a lot of time together and we made plans for college when we weren't at the pool, doing day trips or watching movies on Saturday nights. I was so lucky to have her. I don't think I'd ever get tired of hanging out with her, seeing her beautiful smile, making her laugh, smelling her hair, touching her, kiss...

"Hey," Chloe said. "Earth to Sam: Stop daydreaming. I asked you a question. Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Oh my God," I said softly, feeling waves of emotions crash down on me.

I'm in love with Chloe.

What does that mean? What's gonna happen?

"Are you ok?" she asked and snuggled into me, her head laying on my chest.

"Yes," was the only word I managed to get out.

For the first time I saw Chloe as something other than my best friend. My thoughts were racing. Would this ruin everything? Could I keep it a secret?

Chloe was breathing evenly ... she often fell asleep in my room after movie night. I smelled her hair and my hand was on the small of her back where her shirt had ridden up a little so that my fingers rested on her skin.

I had to say it just once.

"I love you," I whispered, needing to hear those words come from my own lips.

Chloe shuddered and my fingers could feel the temperature of her skin spike.

She turned to me, tears running down her cheeks.

"Finally," she said softly, and kissed me on the lips for the first time.

Finally (short story)Where stories live. Discover now