Caucasian idiot

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There were a few more times when one of my friends asked me if I minded if they asked out Chloe. I always gave pretty much the same answer.

When we were kidding around about something one day, I asked her in jest if her friends were doing the same with me.

"Don't be silly," she said, turning serious. "They know better."

"What's that even supposed to mean? You're like a Latina Buddha," I laughed and poker her in the ribs.

Chloe rolled her eyes at me.

"And you're like a Caucasian idiot."

That conversation happened not long before she finally did start dating somebody in our sophomore year. By then, there was no dispute that she was the prettiest girl in our school. Naturally, it was the quarterback of the football team, and a senior no less, who finally got her to agree to go out on a date.

I had heard some stories about his previous conquests and wasn't thrilled about it. I guess it was because I felt that the only guy good enough to date my best friend should only love her. For some reason I was really happy when things fizzled out between them.

I first heard that they had broken up through the school's rumor mill. Naturally, I was concerned about Chloe. The first chance I got, I pulled her aside and asked her if she was ok.

"Why?" she asked.

"Didn't things end with Trent?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, that didn't work out."

"Are you ok?"

She must have seen the look on my face and gave me a hug.

"Yes, Nicolas, I'm ok," she said with barely a whisper, her lips brushing my ear. I remember becoming aware of how good Chloe smelled. "Boys are just idiots sometimes."

"Good," I said, reluctantly withdrawing from her embrace. After all, we were just friends. "Now you can spend the weekend nights with me again."

She smiled.

"I guess."

"You know," I said. "About boys being idiots. Trent wasn't good enough for you anyways. So maybe he didn't realize how awesome you are."

I recall Chloe giving me a strange look before rolling her eyes at me and saying: "Yeah ... that's totally what I was referring to."

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