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While Chloe's dating life was already pretty boring, mine was practically non-existent. I just couldn't find a girl with whom I could envision hanging out all the time.

I was also pretty busy playing basketball and soccer. I made out with a couple of girls at parties but I didn't understand what all the fuzz was about "hooking up." My friends all made it out to be the most amazing thing in the world. I guess it was nice enough but it didn't blow my mind.

Things changed briefly in the summer after my junior year. I spent three weeks with my uncle in Italy. The first few days really sucked. I missed home. Then I met one of the local girls and she said she wanted to practice English with me. That was fine by me because I definitively had a rush on her. Her name was Sophia and she was very pretty. She had olive skin, black hair, dark eyes and a pretty smile with dimples.

We met every day for a week and then, three days before my departure, I kissed her. It was better than those kisses at parties back home but it didn't blow me away.

Before I went to bed, I skyped with Chloe about this new development.

"You know this girl Sophia I told you about?"

"Yeah ...," Chloe said.

"I kissed her today," I said.

Chloe didn't say anything and I thought the screen had frozen.

"Are you still there?


"I'm here," she said, all of a sudden sounding very small and farther away than one continent.

"That's ... quite a surprise, Sam. Did you guys ... just kiss?"

"Yup. It was nice but not great."

Chloe smiled for the first time – a small, unsteady smile.

"Check your email," I continued. "I just sent you a picture."

"I don't know if I want ..." she began before pausing. "Hold on, I'll check it out."

It took her a few seconds to open the file. Then I heard her laugh.

"THAT is what she looks like?"

"She is pretty, right?" I asked.

"Umm, I guess, if you like that type," she said and laughed again. "Are you going to see her again before you leave?"

"I don't think so. She told me something about having to go to Milan with her parents."

"Bummer," Chloe said. "Well, I'll see you in a few days. Your parents said I could pick you up from O'Hare."

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