how much can my life 5

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OK, sorry it took so long, but i finally got some more written. so here's chapter 5

let me know what you think

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<3 kaitlyn girlslikeeboysz


*1 week later*

Chrys' POV

I was sitting down talking to Kameron when my phone started buzzing. Looking at the caller id I immediately started blushing. Kameron looked over at me taking her attention away from the TV for a minute. She saw my reaction and started making kissy noises. "CHRYS LOVES ZAAAAAACK CHRYS LOVES ZAAAAAAACK!" she started yelling. After I responded to his text, I turned to her. "omygosh STOP' I screamed. She stopped for about a second before starting up again. As she screamed, I turned around and grabbed a pillow. She stopped as soon as the pillow made contact with her face. "oh this is WAR!" she squealed after that it turned into a full blown pillow fight. After the pillow fight was over, she asked me about the text. "Sooooooooooooo.... What did the text say" "nothing much..just that he was coming over at 10:30" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "geez whats with the screaming" 'he's gonna be here in like 1 minute" "oooooooooohhhhhhh" I said I looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing a ratty t-shirt and boy shorts "nonononononononononononon" I started chanting"chill chica, he'll think its SEXYYYYYYYYYY" she said. We heard footsteps on the stairs, and turned around to see Jace walking down the stairs.

Zack's POV

As I walked up to the door I heard someone scream "SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" I heard some guys voice. what is going on in there. I knocked on the door, and heard some more screaming and then the door opened revealing Chrys, in a T-shirt and short shorts. Damn, she looked gorgeous. I swear I stopped breathing as I looked in her eyes. I heard her soft laughter as I pulled her to me and hugged her. I felt my heart beat faster as her arms wound around my waist. Ok I've got to play it cool, I thought. She pulled away and I slung my arm around her shoulder. "so, babe what you wanna do today" I whispered in her ear. "um..." she started "you know, see a movie, I don't really care" she said. I ran my hand up and down her arm. "you sure about that" I whispered huskily into her ear "yea, you know, I just wanna get out of the house" "not dressed like that" I said laughing. "and what exactly is wrong with what I'm wearing"? she said, turning around and pressing her body into mine "n-n-nothing" I studdered " I just--its too sexy, and I don't want to have to beat some guy up for lookin at my girl that way" 'your girl" she said raising her eyebrow "yup" I said "well, at least I hope you're my girl" I said, hoping I didn't overplay the whole thing

She seemed deep in thought " maybe" she said grinning evilly "if you're a good boy tonight" with that, she grabbed my hand and turned to walk in the house. I pulled her closer and threw my arm around her shoulder. I knew, after what she said, I would be tryin hard tonight, because I would do ANYTHING for that girl.

We walked into the living room in Kameron's house and I saw Jace and Kameron sitting there, Kameron looking at us excitedly, Jace glaring at me. "Chrys come with me we gotta get you ready" she said "come on, wait 30 minutes" she said turning to me "be good" with that they ran up the stairs, I turned to Jace. "sooo.." I started, "you stay away from her" he growled at me "she's mine" what was he talking about "nice way to talk to your cousin" I said then he lunged at me

Chrys' POV

I hopped out of the shower after washing my hair after Kameron had done my eye makeup, we heard a loud crash come from downstairs. We turned and ran downstairs. We found Zack on the floor with Jace over him, both throwing punches at each other, zack had a bloody nose, whereas Jace had a black eye forming. Kameron got inn and pulled Jace of Zack, and I ran over to zack. Kameron took Jace to the door and shoved him out, while screaming at him to never come back. I looked at Zack, and he was staring at me with sorrow in his eyes. He reached out and cupped my face in his hands. "are you OK" I whispered he nodded "im sorry. What happened why did he do this" he again looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "he told me t-to stay away from you" he rubbed his thumb on my cheeck. "I can't do that Chrys, I've gotta have you" I looked into his eyes. He softly closed his eyes, not moving his hand away from my face. I held it there, and he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me

Zacks POV

I heard Chrys and Kameron run down the starirs. She was finally ready to go out. Jace trying to beat ,e up kina slowed up progress on her getting ready. I just wanted to be with her. My nose had finally stopped bleeding shortly after I had convinced Chrys that I was fine and she should finish getting ready. I looke up and saw the most gorgeous girl ever standing beside Kameron..Chrys. She was wearing shorts that came a little past her but and a light brown tank top with purple under it (the pic is on the side) "so, where are we going" she said "the movies" I said, barely a whisper "oh, the I guess I need a jacket" she said, turning around to go back upstairs. "OH NO YOU DON'T" Kameron shouted, "I worked too hard to get you in that ouftit for you to cover it up with a jacket, besides, a jcket will cover up all your sexiness" she said "ok Kameron, you can stop talking, I'll just freeze" she said smiling I put my arm around her shoulders "come on baby, I've got a jacket in the car you can use once we get there"she looked up at me, a faint pink spreading across her cheeks, "baby, you get more beautiful every time I see you" she looked up at me like she didn't believe me

*at the movie theater*

As we walked up to the ticket booth, I could see the young guy behind the counter checking Chrys out. I leaned in and kissed her forhead. "come on baby, what movie do you wanna see" "um...lets see deadly tuths" (A/N not a real movie) I walked up and got the tickets, trying to ignore how obviously the ticket seller was checking out Chrys. As we walked in, I wrapped my arm around her waist, trrying to feel her close to me. Saw the other guys checking her out, but I could tell she didn't notice any of them. She had her fingers through my beltt loops as if she was trying to keep me close too. When we walked into the theater, I shrugged out of my jacket and sat down next to her, grabbing her hand on the armrest. After a few minutes she pulled my jacket off of my lap and pulled it on. My jacket almost swallowed her small frame, but it made her look that much more gorgeous. I tried to pay attention to the movie, but it was really hard with her sitting that close to me.

Chrys' POV

I breathed in Zack's scent, he smelled like most guys, but on him it seemed different, better somehow. After the movie, we went out to get dinner. We chose to go to Cookout for burgers. We got our order to go and ate in the parking lot at the mall. We talked about everything and sat there for two hours after we finished eating, just enjoying each others presence. "so, have I been a good boy tonight" he said changing tha subject "I guess so, why" I said laughing. "because if you don't remember, you told me earlier that if I was a good boy tonight, you would be my girlfiend" I thought about it for a minute. "if YOU don't remember, I did say maybe" he looked shocked for a few seconds before he spoke again. He turned to face me and grabbed my hand "so whats the verdict" he said, his voice barely a whisper "yes"I whispered to him. He brought his face closer to mine, and right as our lips were about to touch, someone knocked on the window. We looked up and saw Jace standing at the passenger window, with murder in his eyes, looking at Zack. I looked over at Zack, and we gave each other terrified glances he turned around and put the car in drive and sped off leaving an angry Jace behind us.

Zack's POV

No no no no this is not good. He was supposed to be in custody, I called the police and watched the arrest him. He escaped somehow. I grabbed Chrys' shaking hand an held it tight in my own. She looked terrified. Why shouldn't she be, the guy she thought was her best friend tried to kill her boyfriend then showed up on our date to 'finish what he hadn't been able to do earlier'. I pulled out my cell and called 911. After I told them what happened I hung up and called Chrys' mom. i told her what happened, and she told me that had a relative that lived a couple hours away, and that i needed to take her there. before i hung up i heard her mom whisper 'this isn't good." Then she said the most scary thing of all "he's come back to get her"


ok. once again...let me know what you think..i'll trry to upload soon!

<3 kaitlyn girlslikeeboysz

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