Emma pov

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I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off, I got dressed and by the time I was ready Jax alredy had the kids awake. Then I remembered my argument with Jax and Liana being after the kids. Though the morning went normal I was on high alert, I text Luke to check on Andi, he said, she was doing a little better. Ready to go? I asked yeah the kids replied, the kids were alredy in the car so I decided to talk to Jax. You ok he asked Yeah, sorry about last night i said. it's ok I understand he replied. We drove to school and got rid of the kids, Jax and i split and i was ready to start the day.
After getting the math lesson started i was putting together the clues, car almost hitting us, Jax gets sick, it's not a spell, Liana shows up What could this mean?I thought through out the day, I thought the day would never end when at last the last bell rang. Jax had a meeting after school so I would have the kids, I'm taking it upon my self to start preparing them for whatever comes next.

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