Jax pov

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What does Elise mean by what I told you eriler? I asked , oh Alix told her he thinks somthimg's up with Andi, she said, oh  I said. She didn't drop the Alix off at practice today Luke did, and he did mention somthing about her not feeling well I said,ok I'm going to call her Emma said

                     Emma pov

The phone rang and rang and rang until Luke answered. Luke!? What's going on I asked. Andi got really sick this morning, she's got a really high fever and she's been throwing up all day Luke said, oh well Alix told Elise that she's been acting weird and I'm just ckecking. Then I explained what happened with Liana. Oh well there's no spells on her that's one of the first things I checked, Luke said. Ok I said just keep an eye out and call if you need anything,especially with the kids. Ok thanks he said, yep I said bye, bye he said hanging up.

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