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The next morning I wake up to Dizzy pouncing on me. "Wake up or we'll be late!" She exclaimed before getting off me and running to the closet. I sighed, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before changing into a different outfit. Today's outfit consisted of ripped white skinny jeans, a purple T-shirt, a black leather jacket, and my black ankle boots with the chains on them. The moment I got done,  a ringing sound filled my ears. I covered my ears, groaning along with Izzy and Dizzy. I walked outside, the duo behind me as we meet Evie and Mal outside.

"Follow us." Mal said. And so we did, since we had no clue as to where we were going.

"This is so exciting!" Dizzy whispered to Izzy and I, grinning as she looked around with wide eyes. I scoffed but didn't say anything. Soon, we were in a class room with Jay, Anthony, and Carlos. Anthony grinned before ruffling my hair. I smacked his hands before fixing my hair the best I could.

A woman in a blue two piece suit walked into the room, a smile on her face. I think it might be permanent. "Ahh! Hello newbies! I am Fairy Godmother and your teacher for the rest of the year." She introduced herself before picking up a pointer thing.

"Alright. You find a bottle of poison. Do you A) Put it in the Kings wine. B) Turn it into the proper authorities. Or C), Poison the entire school." The Fairy Godmother said. I thought it over before slowly raising my hand. "Yes, Arabelle."

"B) Turn it into the proper authorities." I replied, playing with Izzy's hair. Fairy Godmother beamed. Izzy, Anthony, and Dizzy looked at me with wide eyes.

"How'd you do that?" Izzy asked, looking up at me. I shrugged, a smirk forming on my face.

"I just picked the one that seemed like no fun." They awwed, finally understanding it. The Fairy Godmother smiled even bigger, if possible.

"You find a baby crying. Do you A) Leave it. B) Turn it into a frog. Or C) Give it a bottle." I just continued to play with Izzy's hair, figuring that one of the other's will answer it. Dizzy raised her hand. The Fairy Godmother pointing at her with the pointer thingy.

"C) Give it a bottle." Dizzy told her proudly. I could tell that Izzy was proud of her little sister, even if she didn't show it.

"Alright class, this is it for today. We are letting you all get off early because it is family day!" The Fairy Godmother exclaimed. We all got up out of our seats before walking away. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos went on rest while we just stood there. Evie turned to look at us.

"You guys coming?" She asked. Anthony shrugged at me before following after her. I then took noticed that Izzy was walking away. I frowned and went to follow her when Dizzy grabbed my hand.

"She wants to be left alone." Dizzy told me, watching as her sister walked away. I sighed and lead Dizzy to the front lawn, where a whole bunch of people were. We began walking around, looking for our group. Dizzy and I glanced at each other when a gasp was heard, followed by two more. We just kept walking, looking out for anyone of our group.

"Anastasia." A man's voice said. I froze, along with Dizzy. She was looking straight ahead with wide eyes. Why would someone say my mother's name? I slowly turned around, looking for the source of the voice. And I found it, with two other people standing beside him. I narrowed my eyes at them. It was two men and a woman. The woman had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, while the man holding her hand had brown hair and brown eyes. The other man had blonde-brownish hair and brown eyes, a little meat on him. He had muscles peeking out from under his shirt.

"Why did you just say that name?" I asked, not giving away anything yet. The three of them frowned.

"Your not Anastasia?!" The woman said, obviously surprised. I smirked, shaking my head.

"Nope. What do you want with her?" The muscle man sighed.

"Nothing. We just thought that you were her." I sighed. They act like they were all close to my mom. Ugh, might as well tell them.

"She's my mom though. I can give her a message if you'd like?" I suggested with a shrug. The three of them gasped.

"She has a daughter!" The woman exclaimed, happy and excited.

"And a son." Anthony said, surprising me a little as he walked up beside me. Their eyes turned to him, taking in the two of us.

"Well that explains why we thought you were her." The brown haired man told me with a chuckle.

"Did you know our mother?" Anthony asked. He was just as excited. He wanted to know if we had family here in Auradon. Muscle man snorted.

"Did I know her. Ha. Heck yes I know her. How could I ever forget her?!" He exclaimed, a smile suddenly formed on his face. "Is she here!?"

I shook my head. "No, she's still on the Isle." A sad look came on his face. Anthony narrowed his eyes at three.

"Who are you three?"

"Well, I'm Cinderella, your Aunt. And this is my husband, Prince Charming. You also have a cousin named Chad Charming. I'm sure you'll might him some time. And this is Gabe Mason." The woman, Cinderella, my Aunt, replied. But she still didn't tell us who Gabe was to Mom. Wait, Gabe. Gabe Mason.

Mom, who is Gabe Mason to you? I asked her in my mind, hoping that she would answer soon.

Mom sighed in my head. Gabe Mason was my lover before Auradon and the Isle. We loved each other greatly and had it set to be married within the week. But then the Beast put us Villains in the Isle and ruined our future. Mom told me. I sucked in a big breath, checking the attention of my new family. But I just ignored them. I'm pretty good at ignoring people.

Who is he to Anthony and I? Mom was silent. She was still there but she didn't say anything. Mom, who is he to us? Mom sighed, seeing that I wasn't going to give up.

He's your father. And then like that she left my mind. I was frozen still when I came back to the real world. Anthony was shaking my shoulders.

"Finally, you've been out of it for five minutes. What happened? Were you talking to Mom?" Anthony just kept firing questions at me but I just shushed him, looking over at Gabe. Or should I say, my father.

"I know who you are." I told him. He's eyebrows furrowed together, signalling that he didn't know either. "Your our father." He's eyes nearly popped out of there sockets. Gabe studied my facical expression for a moment, looking for anything out of place. But he wouldn't find anything but shock, surprise, and truth.

"Oh my god. It's true." My Aunt exclaimed, a big smile on her face. "Congrats Gabe, it's twins."

"What should we call you?" My brother asked, crossing his arms. He wasn't being snotty or anything. It's just his way of relaxing. Weird, I know. Gabe shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me. Whatever you guys are comfortable with." I smirked, already knowing what I was going to call him. I had imagined this since I knew what a father was.

"Daddy!" I squealed. As I was running towards him, a thought came to mind. What the heck? I never squeal! It must be because I'm part Auradon. Dad chuckled before opening his arms just in time for me to jump in them. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, hugging him as he spun me around. He put me down and hugged Anthony. I smiled. I finally know my Dad. And I think that I can used to the fact that he is from Auradon.

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