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Can I just say that everytime I look at the number of readers I scream? Ok? ok. 500 IS A REALLY BIG STINKIN' NUMBER! But onto the actual announcement! I don't want anyone to be unhappy with the end of the story so I'm doing two alternate endings! For the Jariana and Nariana endings chapters 1-7 (what's been posted already) is the same but it will be

-chapter 8 (nathan)

-chapter 9 (nathan)

-epilogue (nathan)

-chapter 8 (jai)

-chapter 9 (jai)

-epilogue (jai)

ik it was short but this actually makes it longer and I couldn't pick. But yea ill probably also post one-shots of Ariana and other celebrities or specific events so if theres a particular thing you want me to do comment :) love y'all arianators/janoskiantors/TW fanmily

New York, New Ariana (Ariana Grande, Nathan Sykes, & Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now