Chapter 11: Godly

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I sighed through my nose and flopped down on a firm white couch. I was mentally exhausted. All day Fury had put me through rigorous exercises and had pushed my powers to the limit. I lay on my back gazing half-lidded at the ceiling tiles, still going through today's events in my head.

After our meeting last night, I had gone to Annabeth's "chamber" as she called it, and had a nice, peaceful sleep. When I reappeared in my room I was greeted by a loud, British voice. JARVIS, after scaring my half to death, told me to hurry up with breakfast and report to room 1708.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and jetted to the elevator. The rooms were numbered by floor, so I rode up to the 17th floor and got out. I found 1708 and tugged on the door.

"Ooof," I grunted. The door opened, but not without a large effort on my part. Walking inside, I saw that the door was made of at least 3 inches of solid metal and was equipped with a lock fit for a bank vault.

My eyes scanned the room nervously, but found nothing that would lead to an imminent death. Hesitantly, I shut the door behind me.

My eyes landed upon a figure on the opposite wall.

"So, Steve, right? You'll be my instructor today?" I asked the figure on the other side of the room. As I walked forward I saw that it wasn't much of a room at all, but an arena. It was about half the size of a professional baseball field had a ceiling that went up at least another story. It was completely made of plated, metal walls. Some sections of the wall looked moveable, like the metal might slide away to reveal a secret compartment at least as big as me.

"Welcome, Percy, to the Field." It was not the figure of Steve that spoke, but rather the voice of Director Fury. He stepped out of a door on my left and stood straight in front of me. The fluorescent lights glared onto his bald head and cast shadows on the lower half of his face. "This is where we test the abilities of superheroes and Agents-in-training. We can provide anything you need in order to display your abilities. We hope you will share the full extent of your powers with us, so we can have accurate data. What can we provide you with? I assume you'll need water?"

I nodded slowly, calculating. "I'll need...all of it. As much water as you can bring in here. Oh, and a large flat stone, about as big as me. And a fish, and a horse. That's it."

Fury nodded thoughtfully, "That sounds reasonable-"

"It does?"

"Will this be enough water?"

As he spoke, the right half of the arena started to tremble and I thought the building was collapsing. Instead, the metal floor retracted, revealing a huge pool of water. I could tell from here that it was freshwater, without any chemicals, and was safe to drink.

"It's perfect in size, but I work best with salt water."

Fury nodded and walked towards a metal box on the wall. He opened to box and pressed a small, blue button inside. "In three minuets it will be salt water. In the meantime, JARVIS, tell Agent Mickelson to retrieve a small fish from our aquarium. Tell Agent Thompson to bring me a horse from the stables on level 5."

"How the-"

"Don't ask."

"OK....Soooo," I tried to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen on our trio. "Will you be overseeing my performance, or will Steve?" I was trying to be polite about how I said, Why are you both here?

Steve spoke up, "I will be assisting or directing you through your training. Fury and any interested Avengers, will be watching your progress through that window."

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