Chapter 10: Stories

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I looked around at the white walls of the infirmary with a grudging familiarity. I think it has actually become my mission to find the medical center of every building I walk into. First Camp, then the Argo II, and now the Avengers Tower? I should invest in a season pass.

I looked at the white-sheeted bed across from mine to see the prone form of Thor. He lay as if he was in a coffin, with his arms regally at his side, taking no-nonsense even in an unconscious state.

Now that is what a god should look like. Having godhood for just two years made me feel like a child compared to the Olympians, and, I suppose, the Asgardians. They had their flaws -lots and lots of flaws- but they also had centuries of wisdom and experience. I just had a few quests. Sure, I saved the world and led a few armies, but I was still a newbie. I hadn't single-handedly caused a war yet, or had hundreds of kids with mortals, or battled a massive monster.... wait, I did do that last one.

I stared at the ceiling of the infirmary pondering my new life until I heard a rustle of sheets. I sat up quickly and winced when my bandaged rib bloomed with pain.

"Annnnngggggg. Did you have to hit me that hard?" asked Thor groaning. He shifted in his bed, adjusting to his bandaged arm and bruised ego.

"I'm really sorry about that, but you did break my ribs...." I said, giving my best shot at innocence.

He nodded thoughtfully, "It was indeed well-fought, young god."

Though it was a small compliment, it made me glow. My potential teammate -and more importantly, fellow god- had said I was good at something. Better than him, even! Maybe I could find a place here with the Avengers.

"So, are we allowed to leave?" I asked.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth a young woman wearing a gray jumpsuit walked into the infirmary. "Not quite yet Perseus. We need to re-bandage both of you. Then, I believe you have an over-due meeting with Director Fury and the rest of the Avengers Team," said the nurse/agent with a small smirk.

I groaned and then winced at the pressure on my ribs. I wasn't too excited to share my story my new team, but I suppose it was necessary for trust. I was going on the assumption that the gods wouldn't mind me sharing my story.

Thor spoke up, "I am anticipating your great tales, Percy." I nodded in response, satisfied with his use of my name instead of the many nicknames I've been given before.

The female agent finished redressing our wounds and then kicked us out of the room. Thor and I walked down a long hallway, passing many glass and stainless steel doors. I hoped we were walking towards either the kitchen or the conference room, but I had no idea where we were going or where we were supposed to meet. The thunder god finally stopped at a large, wooden double-door and opened it.

I felt a jolt of fear run through me. It was the conference room I had been brought to yesterday when I first arrived, but now the eager faces of five superheroes and one scary director were turned towards me. Thor nudged me towards the center of the room, so I was facing the semicircle. I shuffled my feet nervously and felt my bandages rub against my chest.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Fury started talking, "It has become apparent that you don't know much about us, or what we do."

I nodded in confirmation and he continued, "We've told you about what S.H.E.I.L.D does, but now it's time for our story."

"I'll begin," interjected Tony. "You'll have to ask everyone for their personal story, but our team started with Natasha...."

He went on to describe -with many interruptions- how they had each been recruited, their struggles as a team, and the final battle with the aliens in New York. Their stories were very interesting, but the entire time I was thinking, I missed an entire war in my hometown!

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